Russia wasnt a threat to Europe until the US made it one.
Russia wasnt a threat to Europe until the US made it one.
I own a Clara HD. I don’t find it sluggish (quite snappy unless it’s trying to render badly formed PDFs, there is no ghosting after 3 years of regular use and my inputs are never wrong, but I have been using Koreader on it for all but month 1. It sounds like your screen is polling too slow if you’re getting misinputs, or something else similar. Not an amazon product and doesn’t give me ads either.
OH did they remove that? I’m glad to hear it.
Calibre is baked into koreader but go off. I was asking about sluggishness.
You like ads?
You find Clara sluggish with KOreader?
And illiterate
Projecting again…
My sister wanted to hug it, but it was too tiny to use her arms, so she used her hands. I watched Sunflowers eyes popout…
After decades long alliance-building, the US don’t seem to value them anymore.
That’s because everyone who was on the same page about this was slowly supplanted by Tea Partiers with no understanding of how power systems work. Their only reference is the propaganda that wasn’t meant for the elites, but the previous generation of elites didn’t tell anyone else because name one elite who shares with competition.
OMZ plugins are what cemented me too lol.
It used unethically collected databases, you seemed to miss that on your list.
Link to the :3 terminal? Is it open source?
My IBS really took this quote to heart
Not having logs helps a ton with anonymity, and your question didn’t have that requirement.
Preemptive prevention of access is a form of noncompliance
Why wait, message IT right now, this is a huge growth opportunity for the company!
I was answering
Name another company on the planet that will receive a legal warrant and refuses to comply. I’ll wait.
It was not an imperialist force from 1917 till the betrayal of the US at the end of WWII.