I have considered doing that. I work remote in America and would love an opportunity like that.
I have considered doing that. I work remote in America and would love an opportunity like that.
What’s on your mind?
Shit, almost enough for breakfast!
Neither. 45 all the way.
I host the privacy policies for my mobile apps, a consulting site for mobile related consulting work, and a personal start page full of links I use daily.
Yikes man, so much to unpack here.
You really summed it up. So much good on that list gone poorly wrong. But hey, they made a few increments for the shareholders.
I also choose watching the shitter.
I like Micsrosofts office suite, but I hate virtually everything else. I got tired of their recent decisions and bought an Apple laptop, partly because I’m getting into iOS development and wanted that experience. But my other computer is dual booted with Fedora and Windows for when I absolutely need Windows, I’ll swap over, bit rarely do I outside of some gaming.
That’s the first one I thought of as well. And your third point, too… Haha
I don’t know. If I were more productive at making cookies, I would be happier because I could eat more cookies.
Which textbook?
Mercedes are such a waste of money.
In another life, I delivered a package to Linus and he answered the door in a bathrobe at 1:30 in the afternoon, just got out of the shower. Nice guy.
Basically flavorless ass.