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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • There is no point, we don’t exist for a reason, we’re just a thing that happened in the universe by random chance.

    That’s not an inherently bad thing though, heck, the concept of “bad” isn’t even “real”, it’s just an invention we came up with.

    But I digress. We must find out own purpose and meaning in life, it won’t be handed to us. Think of the journey as a fun ride with no rules, there are no gods, the universe doesn’t judge you, you are unique and weird and amazing and can interact with the universe in ways no gigantic star or powerful black hole ever could.

  • The BBC, for all it’s issues, still follows basic rules of journalistic integrity with regards to facts.

    If the BBC can’t independently verify something through their own trusted channels (and multiple at that), they won’t state something as fact, they’ll just state the claim and say who made the claim.

    It’s not disrespectful, or suggesting that party is lying, it’s just how good journalism is carried out.

    As for why discussing how deadly the effects of the disaster have been, I imagine that’s because people reading the article are concerned about the potential deadly effects of damage to the current radiation shield, and so some background is useful here.

    Again, the BBC can’t truly verify how many died, we only have our own nation’s educated guesses coupled with the likely intentionally inaccurate numbers released by the USSR, and it’s difficult to pin exact causes on some long term effects on an individual basis, like an increased cancer rate.

    I would be surprised if these numbers weren’t disputed, and so as it’s relevant to bring up the deadly effects of the disaster, the responsible thing to do is to also mention that the actual number of casualties is disputed.

    Good journalism isn’t telling us what to think, feel or believe, good journalism is attempting to give us the unvarnished facts, claims, or what information we do have, which are pertinent to understanding the situation ourselves.

  • You’re in NATO, if the USA betrays NATO and attacks NATO, they will presumably trigger the famous Article 5 and be at war with all of NATO.

    Besides that, you’re also in the Commonwealth, and as such I expect the UK and her allies to come to your aid. Our government is spineless shite these days, but I expect we won’t shirk our most solemn of obligations.

    Either way, if the fascist US invades Canada, it’ll be all out war between the US and all of NATO. Won’t end well for anybody, but it definitely won’t end with the US annexing Canada.

    Might end with the Western world being an atomic crater (including the USA) with nations like Russia and China picking over our corpses to establish a new world order, but won’t end with Canada being annexed.

    The US government would have to be suicidal to do this. Utterly suicidal, to the point of actually being traitors to their own nation.

  • you guys need to get your shit together and police your own continent.

    We do? Increasingly we’re having to secure it against US threats and meddling, though. And of course our actual police aren’t as corrupt and murderous as yours, and our legal system offers far more basic human rights and protections than yours does (I’ve heard you don’t even get the most basic rights like mandatory holiday and sick pay? Wild. You need to start fighting against your government for your basic rights).

    we can start to take care of ourselves and our needs instead of blowing billions on places we destroyed

    Have you tried not destroying places? You might not have to spend quite so much on reparations if you pace yourself a bit.

    The world doesn’t revolve around your country, and all of your nation’s current major problems (oligarchy, late stage capitalism rot, poor citizen rights, poor/absent social services, poor education system, large class gap, poor environmental protections, etc etc) come from within, not - as your fascist self-proclaimed Dictator would have you believe - the evil foreigners trying to oppress/abuse you.

    Nobody’s country is perfect, mine isn’t, yours isn’t. We all have problems, and it’s difficult to admit that our problems are more often than not of our own society’s making…

    Don’t believe the oldest fascist trick in the book though - being told it’s all somehow the fault of foreigners - to rally the people against a common foe whilst stripping away your own rights and building an authoritarian state bit by bit, destroying your own freedoms and eroding the moral core of your nation, all in the name of fighting that foe.

  • I’ve not heard anyone take umbridge with calling Russians “orcs” or “ruskies” yet, to be fair, not with calling our German and Japanese enemies during WWII Jerry or Japs respectively. Jap is just a handy shortened single syllable way of saying Japanese. For another example of this in peace time, people from Great Britain get called Brits. It’s not a race thing, just a slang thing.

    The war slangs aren’t terms we’d use today of course, as they’re no longer our enemies and such slang carries the unspoken “We call them this because they’re our enemy and they don’t get to decide what we call them” connotation, but for the moment in 2024, Russia and North Korea are the enemy of Ukraine, so they’re fair game.

    I see your point though, but I don’t believe this is a race thing at all, not in my eyes anyway, I think it’s just a “They’re the enemy and we need a simple, easy and quick to pronounce slang nickname for them that is functionality useful, watch also sometimes shows our current hatred of them as our mortal enemy and as a way to help unite us against a foe, in the case of ‘orcs’ for example”.

    But yeah, if people are using these terms to be racist or whatever, screw those guys, they suck.