You need to do damage control. Being short in all caps to a friend trying to speak with you is rude. The only real move is to apologize.
You need to do damage control. Being short in all caps to a friend trying to speak with you is rude. The only real move is to apologize.
I killed Instagram and Whatsapp recently when Mark started buddying up to Trump.
Deleted Twitter shortly after Elon took over, which bummed me out since it was a good place for software development information.
Quit reddit after the API ordeal when I didn’t want to use the official client.
I was a long time user of each platform, and I was bummed when I had to leave each.
Now I have bluesky, lemmy, mastodon, and some occasional discord servers I hangout on. I miss Instagram as a time waster, but I’ll survive without funny dog videos and fitness models.
I agree, people need to be able to focus on something else for a few hours on a Sunday.
The cumulative price increases are noticeable. Grocery receipts feel like they are $25-50 more expensive for the same stuff.
We buy a dozen eggs every other week, so that specifically isn’t impacting us much, but in the store I usually take note, and say damn under my breath when I see the $7+ ones.
I wrote my representative in Congress for the first time in my life over this, as he is one of the Dems who voted for it. I’m not patting myself on the back, just recommending you do it too if you are a US citizen.
I don’t have high hopes since his seat was purchased by AIPAC, but it felt good to vent to one of the people who have a voice in the system.
I get focused on small things, which makes me an inefficient cleaner. Sure that drawer is going to be the most organized it has ever been, but there are bigger fish to fry.
I just need someone following me around to ask questions like “Are you sure deep cleaning the microwave is the most effective use of your time right now?”
My first thought too. Throw in a few bookshelves, fill them up; waste of space becomes the coolest part of the house.
Let me check the answering machine.
I try not to waste the day, and actually leave the house to do fun stuff.
I also try to completely avoid work email, slack. Generally the less I consciously think about work the better.
There are no hard and fast rules, but my approach is to pretend like I’m retired and living my best life.
Is there some significance to the waffle being blue? I’m going to do some quick research and get to the bottom of this.
I’ve been depressed since the election, this is the first glimmer of hope I’ve had in a while. It’s gross, and I am not proud of feeling this way, but maybe things will work out?
The robots probably wouldn’t stop with the other robots. For example, if Israel had remote piloted robot warriors do you think they would only attack and kill other robots? They would just send them into Palestine, slaughter the “hostiles” and wouldn’t bat an eye.
It looks like pineapple to me, but … that can’t be right.
Day 1 is going to be a rude awakening
They were holding the soldiers involved in the rape for questioning, and right wing Israelis stormed the military bases in protest. This was international news that even Netanyahu weighed in on:
Don’t try to gaslight with AI and that other bullshit. They are absolutely torturing prisoners and murdering women and children every day. Do whatever mental gymnastics you need to do to justify your stance, but just remember that there are innocent people suffering.
(Also yeah I’m not feeding the troll anymore. Just think to yourself every once in a while “are we the baddies?”)
Yeah I’m not going to try to find that for you. Here is more info if you want to go to the dark part of the Internet :
Have you already forgotten that there was a literal video of Israeli soldiers gang raping prisoners?
What evidence are you talking about, and how is it relevant to this story? Use your words, complete your half-baked thoughts.
I am in the US… still up. Very upset this is happening again, I think I’m going to put on Idiocracy and pass out.
Flavored water does feel like cheating. It’s really just water.