It’s kind of a bummer. Aliens and Bilderbergers and Government Mind Control used to be fun little thought experiments to smoke a J and play what-if with your friends; but you can’t even bring that stuff up anymore without someone thinking you’re serious and bringing up adrenochrome or (((Globalists)))
This timeline sucks, I want to go back to when everyone knew the X-Files was a TV show and fascists kept their brainrot on AM radio.
Yeah a lot of people might not be aware just how heinous Japans actions were in The Second Sino-Japanese War (the Chinese War of Resistance) in the lead-up to Asias involvement in WWII.
The Rape of Ninjing and Unit 731 are just two of the atrocities we know of.
Implying that Japan is now “back for more” and with frens this time is indeed pretty dark.