And Jordan is the “nice” neighbor of Israel.
And Jordan is the “nice” neighbor of Israel.
Ah yes the black and white both sides bad argument. You do know it’s possible for one side to be worse right? So much worse.
Favorite in that I’m fascinated that someone thought it up and find it probably the most interesting? Breaking at the wheel?
Favorite in that we should be doing it? Probably none but if we have to go with one CO poisoning or some sort of narcissistic overdose.
Bro you’re off by like two generations haha. I’m I millennial and didn’t have a cell phone till I was 17 or a smartphone till I was like 24.
But yeah sometimes I’ll add that cause it’s such an alien concept to kids. Like the story just doesn’t make sense in modern context.
Oh yeah for sure it has a ton of sugar. It’s just well masked by the sour.
Ooooh man as a kid I didn’t really like stuff that was strongly sweet or sour. But as an adult sour candy were my thing to the point that I burnt out them even tasting sour. I’d eat a family size bag of sour Skittles on long drives to help me concentrate.
Only sour candy though.
A friend of mine chews nicotine gum. I have another friend that vapes and drinks like 12 energy drinks a day.
You’re very… Combative. I don’t want argue this, mostly because I know arguing will get nowhere. I used to think like this and if you’re genuinely interested there are tons of resources online but mostly just get out of your shell, learn other cultures and worldviews. Not just learn them but befriend people who genuinely view the world completely differently than you. I know from personal experience that just getting into a random argument with a stranger online will just waste both of our time.
The only options I can see are: net negative, net positive, or net neutral.
Yes because you’re a fundamentalist, maybe you aren’t a religious nut but this is exactly how they think. Nothing can be more complex than what fits into their narrow simplistic worldview.
Well the ICC won’t let me be or let me be me so we’ll just see. – Benjamin Netanyahu
I did great in school. Maybe I would have accomplished more after school. Good diagnosed in my mid 30s.
If Ukraine wasn’t in total war with Russia right now imagine how easily they could wipe the floor with NK lol.
“People with ADHD can only get shit done when they’re stressed and will often create stress just to motivate themselves” is in freaking Driven to Distraction, the first mainstream book about ADHD from like 30 years ago haha.
Knowing has helped me a bit, like “ok, I’m not a bad human, my brain is just weird”
Not one downvoter has explained how you can have privately and corporate-owned luxury resorts in a non-capitalist country. Can’t imagine why.
Oooh I love this false dichotomy because if every government that allows for any form of corporate owned private property to exist is capitalist then we can ascribe basically all evil to capitalism. Heck even the USSR was capitalist by your logic. Capitalists did the holodomor.
Isn’t all conscription forced?
Also like I wouldn’t want to be drafted but isn’t it kinda progress for the Ukrainian army to draft gay people? Something most modern armies have avoided?
Hey it’s better than optional Palestine.
He doesn’t want to leave Gaza for Gaza’s sake, he wants to leave Gaza cause he views the current invasion as harmful to Israel.
There are a ton of specific communities on Reddit that don’t really exist anywhere else. Like, Lemmy is fine if all you want is anarcho-socialist Linux users but there’s a subreddit for my hometown, some specific weird apps I use, my favorite video games, the machines I use at work, etc. Until Lemmy can branch past just people who use it for ideological reasons it won’t replace Reddit.
As someone who’s been wanting a boox tablet for a while I don’t think they fit “cheap”