- Dark Lord Funk
- Pumped Up Kicks (Bardcore)
I was going to say heavy water, but TIL that it’s not just chonky water. It can be toxic.
I do selfhost everything I can, but have chosen not to do that with my passwords. It feels to much all-eggs-in-one-basket-y.
1Password also holds my SSH keys and acts as an ssh-agent on most systems, and I also just found out that you can get secrets from your 1Password vault in Python, which means my PyInfra scripts can use it as well.
I pay for a 1Password family account. I like it.
Getting the family to use it is hard, but that would be the case with any password manager.
It was you! :D
I once saw a guy slip and fall on a banana-peel. He just stared at it for a good 30 seconds in disbelief before getting up.
Ah, yes. The elusive Sneaking falcon. The much, much, slower cousin of the Peregrine falcon.
As soon as someone else has access to the hardware, assume someone else has access to the data. Depending on your threat model this might be acceptable. If you just don’t want <INSERT GENERIC EVIL BILLIONAIRE> snooping, I’d say a VPS is a perfectly valid solution.
I use a dedicated server, but in this regard it is similar to a VPS, and I carefully consider what kind of data I put on it. I wouldn’t put very private data on there. Simply because I see no need for it to be there.
Don’t worry. You’re not seeing yourself above others, you’re just only seeing yourself.
Depression is one answer. Anhedonia is another. Not having agency in ones life. War, starvation, malice, indifference.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy you are happy, but you sound like someone who have lived a sheltered, privileged life.
No. Clearly it’s aliens!
I use Unraid on my NAS. I like it for storage, I don’t like it for running services. It’s still running my media stack, but only until I get that moved to a Debian server.
Depending on how involved you want to be and what you want to learn, Unraid might be a good fit for you. It’s easy and mostly just works.
*Could there be a way to make someone else “enjoy”… :D
In Denmark it’s probably Snave (No English Wikipedia page for it). Population is a whopping 211 people. It was popularized in a series of commercials for a Danish cellular carrier. The concept was so popular that there even was a movie. I haven’t seen it, but the reviews seems to suggest it could be fun to watch… If you are drunk enough.
The word “snave” in Danish can somewhat be translated to snogging in English. Heavy kissing. Which has led to the city having massive problems with theft of their signs.
Not so much a weird thing, but more a weird price.
My local thrift store are known to have high prices. Not because they sell high-quality stuff, the prices are just high. The most insane thing there is what’s clearly a jar that used to hold pickled beets. It’s clean, though, I’ll give them that. Pickled beets are cheap and available in all groceries here. The thrift store chose to price this, empty, jar at 150% the price of a new jar including pickles!
It’s ok, ChatGPT. You’ll grow out of your hallucinations :)
Take my upvote < Loving’ Spoonful >
Then there are options:
Kind of a gamble :D
If we’re talking magical immortality, as in you can’t die, at all. Then the fact that however much enjoyment and experiences you get while the universe still exist, it will be followed by an infinite stretch of nothing after the heat death of the universe.
Wikipedia says: “Hygge is a word in Danish and Norwegian that describes a cozy, contented mood evoked by comfort and conviviality.”
Denmark: Hygge, apparently. But a lot of writers are working hard to make money off of getting a lot of people to know about it.