There’s things that I like about myself that I cannot put into words; it’s more a feeling.
There’s things that I like about myself that I cannot put into words; it’s more a feeling.
Why are politicians doing nothing for first time home buyers?
Why aren’t universally some laws against home flipping and people owning more than one residential property? I think the right of having a roof over your head is a basic human right and every person out there deserves to have a decent home and not be forced to live on the street.
Because that would be socialism, obviously!
To me personally, settling mars has nothing to do with colonialism, or capitalism, or hookers and blackjack. It’s about the fact that humanity is like a steam engine, and somebody threw too much coal into that thing. Now it’s cooking hot, and one way to keep it from exploding is to “release steam” (in a metaphorical sense). That means, settling off to some other planet.
I guess it’s like german “Realität”/“Wirklichkeit” (both meaning reality).
I understand “Realität” (reality) to mean something “real”, like something touchable. Language, and literature are not “real” to me. They’re “wirklich”, but not “real”.
great minds think alike
Very interesting read.
I also like how, at the end, it changed perspective to say “actually, our problem is not software, but politics”.
We must be aware of what agents we encourage and discourage through our actions.
they lasted 3 years, which is about 12x longer than i would have guessed.
“si” (italian yes) too much:
If you say si too much, you become a sisi.
oh okay, maybe the grass was just a gift to you, who knows?
Animals sometimes have very weird, individual behavior. You can’t just make any general rule what this specific bird was doing to you. Probably it wanted to communicate with you, tell you something. Maybe you should have observed it a bit, maybe it would have had something to show you, like maybe in the bush that it was coming from.
If the disk is internal and only used by linux, you should 100% use ext4.
NTFS is what windows uses. exFAT is like really, really old file system that is only used because of its wide compatibility nowadays. USB-sticks use them, because they have to be compatible with any device where you couls potentially stick them in.
You get only one boot partition (EFI partition) which contains the kernel and the initramfs for both operating systems. Then, you would create two partitions to hold the rest of each individual operating system.
Shared partitions can be ext4, but if they should be read-/writable by windows, I would recommend ntfs or exFAT.
I guess a part is that science seems to meticulously avoid the question “why do we live”, in a non-technical way, in a way that actually gives people a sense of meaning.
That and mental inertia, i.e. some things change very slowly.
It would technically work, yes.
But also, you’re wasting a lot of storage space that way, especially if you do it often. You really only should backup your home directory, it contains all your data. You can simply re-install the rest from the internet.
Same with people who say solar panels can’t ever work. They haven’t tried them in the last few years.
I would laugh if it wasn’t so painfully true.
I would not consider integration to be basic maths, honestly. Basic maths is addition and multiplication, and maybe vector geometry.
wearing makeup or earrings
turns out i just don’t like that
Angel with a Shotgun