… The automobile was for a long time just a more expensive carriage…
100%. To add:
Automobile was actually slower than the horse for good many decades.
… The automobile was for a long time just a more expensive carriage…
100%. To add:
Automobile was actually slower than the horse for good many decades.
Happened to me on Orkut.
Yes Minister
Everybody Loves Raymond
All three are old comdy series, clean and classic. I don’t think they make comedy this wholesomely good anymore.
It’s not like they’d feel any safer with female superheroine.
That last thing. Can you do it under an Open License and put on git?
Seems like an improvement for all.
I am surprised that Thinkpad isn’t the top recommendation. It is pricey, but built to last even after multiple hardware upgradations.
At this point, retail devices capable of 96 GB memory aren’t too difficult to find, if pocket allows, but how can one enter TB zone?
Yeah dude the more I think of milk as sexual assault the stranger it feels.
Meat is outright murder and cannsbilism, and don’t get me started on eggs.
Printed currency.
Maybe at 120’s it is too late, but I wouldn’t be too sure about that.
This is good RAM for any 32 bit OS which is still being maintained.
64 bit OS require minimum 4 GB.
I don’t think Google will like any 32 bit device though. Go for an older version from libreoffice.
For burning kuran ?
Probably the best strategy to minimise risk from data pilfering.
The assumption that there is only one kind of threat model relevant to a person / business is a bad assumption.
To add to it,
Not META, but there are videos of small business owners explaining how amazon used their data to set up its own thing as their direct rivals, then manipulated their ratings, virtually stealing their clients too.
Tell them that selling their data to thurd parties is one of the biggest revenue streams of META, that you are NOT ok exposing your own business to such risks and that as a serious business, they should be wary of giving data to data selling / leasing social networks as well.
Somethings are better when done from scratch.
Scholarship. When I was still in school.
If you think that the internet is not revolutionary, what right do you have to claim that automobile ever was?