You’re right-I didn’t want to make it look simple. I’m just constantly stunned how wealth is distributed, which is one of many reasons for homelessness. A fair distribution could finance housing and support systems.
You’re right-I didn’t want to make it look simple. I’m just constantly stunned how wealth is distributed, which is one of many reasons for homelessness. A fair distribution could finance housing and support systems.
And the wealth of only one single manchild is enough to pay housing for them all - at least in this nation…and probably in some more. (Just looked some numbers up - world economic forum reported in 2021 that there are 150 million people homeless in the world, that would be ~2700,- per individual homeless person, taking his net worth into account -for 770. 000 homeless people in the US it would be ~525. 000 per person)
I like the idea but - maybe it’s just me - doesn’t “37 goals left for today!” feel overwhelming?
Would always prefer this reasonable priced vehicle with european safety measures over the ridiculously overpriced, rusty garbage container cutting fingers off or trapping people inside because of an update on a hot summer day.
From now on whenever someone goes undercover I imagine them as speaking Banana
After reading Karate champion I thought he used it to fight the librarians. Either way a great story.
Do you believe he really has a chance to win?
Now I feel stupid that I always assumed they just don’t know better, but this makes a ton of sense - and they can even expect a raise each time they change jobs. So their whole career is based on bullshitting and they for sure make more money than me… I don’t like this thought process
Same… when I write a mail at work I usually add details so my forgetful ass can look up what I did later, in case I need to reproduce the task. It’s not necessarily important to the recipients.