Forgejo Documentation says they should be familiar to people who use github actions, they’re not the same but I found that when debugging some a few months back that github information was applicable, if that helps.
Forgejo Documentation says they should be familiar to people who use github actions, they’re not the same but I found that when debugging some a few months back that github information was applicable, if that helps.
I switched to using a microplane (or similar super fine grater) for garlic a few years back, it’s far easier to clean and I like it for ginger, nutmeg, hard cheeses etc.
Found upgrades mildly annoying with GitLab, big reason I moved to Forgejo for my personal stuff. Far easier to setup and maintain for me, seems to be happy with caddy and runners are really easy to setup.
I’m not hosting for an entire org though, it’s just me and I keep all my selfhost stuff local only, so obviously YMMV.
I’m a mechanical eng turned software, computing and the like are super visible but there’s been a huge amount of advancement in physical things in our lifetime, Steel in particular. By no means an expert, some of this I’ve been out of the industry for a while so just operating on memory, totally welcome any corrections!
I’m not a metallurgist, but worked with them, there’s lots of grades out there but some of the stuff being used in automotive is seriously interesting (I think they’re boron grades but I can’t recall), needs specific treatment like hot stamping but they can easily hit into the 1-2 GPa range for yield strength once it’s processed. It’s allowed material to be rolled thinner for the same part strength so you end up with lighter vehicles.
Coatings too have changed a lot, non-chromium passivation is a thing, galvanised materials are no longer just zinc + a bit of aluminum, there’s aluminum + silicon coatings that are supposed to offer decent corrosion resistance at high temperatures, those fancy automotive steels get coated in it for things like mufflers. Construction there were zinc+magnesium coatings starting to show up, supposed to be resistant to coating damage.
Processing has changed a lot in a century too, steel is substantially metallurgically cleaner these days, probably actually cleaner too with more electric arc furnaces and hydrogen direct reduced iron.
It’s oldish these days but pipeline inspection was increasingly using Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) tools when I worked in that field. It let you do ultrasound inspection of steel pipes without needing a liquid medium, so things like cracks and material defects that are hard (or nearly impossible) to find using Magnetic Flux Leakage tools are a lot more accessible to gas pipeline operators as they don’t need to do things like plan around liquid batching.
I have a 512GB card in my steam deck, seen listings for them upwards of 2 TB, reliability scares me a bit with that much data but still, it’s impressive how far flash memory has come. I remember being excited about a 64MB thumbdrive and buying my first 1GB one.
My brain still thinks 30-35 million so all good, was thinking you might be meaning a dissident number as I was writing anyhow, meshes pretty well with that Angus Reid poll about joining the states.
Statscan has the estimate at ~41.5 million as of the end of last year.
Thanks for that, Bugdom also looks familiar!
Mine had a bunch of iMac g3s, eMacs came toward grade 8.
Games weren’t explicitly forbidden, just needed to finish work first, new Cross Country Canada, math circus and Oregon trail were the games I recall the most of. There was this one game though I can’t recall the name of but the concept was interesting, you played as a time travelling velociraptor and had to save dinosaur eggs from extinction, was like a 3rd person shooter, I have no idea why that was on school computers
Edit: was Nanosaur
In the distant year of 4122, a dinosaur species, Nanosaurs, rule the Earth. Their civilization originated from a group of human scientists who experimented with genetic engineering. Their experimentation led them to resurrect the extinct dinosaur species; however, their victory was short-lived, as a disastrous plague brought the end of their civilization itself. The few dinosaurs resurrected were lent an unusual amount of intelligence from their human creators, leaving them to expand on their growing civilization. However, as the Nanosaurs were the only species on Earth, inbreeding was the only possible choice of reproduction. This method largely affected the intelligence of the various offspring, and slowly began to pose a threat to their once-intelligent society.
The Nanosaur government offers a quest that involves time traveling into the year 65 million BC, where the five eggs of ancient dinosaur species must be retrieved and placed in a time portal leading to the present year. Their high-ranking agent, a brown Deinonychus Nanosaur, is chosen to participate in this mission. On the day of her mission, she is teleported to the past via a time machine in a Nanosaur laboratory.
Was a kubuntu person for a long time, I haven’t really loved the default Ubuntu DE for a while, but that’s personal preferences. At the end of the day, use what you like.
I personally like debian (swapped from Kubuntu over time) but keep mint on my thumb drive for family who needs something on older hardware, especially those used to windows it seems to be an easy jump. I love that there are so many options available to people with various levels of prepackaging and configurations.
While I get that, Debian fits that role extremely well.
Lots of metals as well, TD has an analysis if interested.
Canada and Mexico are the 2 largest trading partners. Cusma review is next year, didn’t he do the exact same thing going into the NAFTA 2.0 negotiations? Just wish we’d do a united front with Mexico on this.
Anxiety over missing my meds keeps me (mostly) on track, I do however forget to request refills until the last bloody moment though, love how the process for ADHD treatment is so anti ADHD…
Years of holiday retail soured me to it honestly, brings out the best in people…
My highschool blasted Christmas in Ignace - Arrogant Worms every single day during fundraising drives, they’d stop when they hit their goals. Was very effective.
Trudeau and Freeland handled the last term better than anyone around here expected.
Definitely helped having a PM with experience working with children.
I’ll throw my hat in for Harvey’s, easily one of the better veggie burgers and you get to choose toppings.
Everything I’ve seen says do it in 30s bursts and stir, apparently does a good job of melting it with breaking
The collage with artist information was really cool with the Zune media player, I’m Canadian so we didn’t get the Zune pass for a while, that during the iPod era was ahead of its time as a streaming service.
The hard disk in my Zune died years ago and its totally been lost in moves unfortunately, would love to have flash modded it like people do with their old iPods, having a dedicated media device would be great. I’ve seen refurbed zune HDs on eBay, temptation is there, just need to find out if there’s any way to sync with the Zune media player, had a Foobar2k plugin years ago that did iPod syncing, something like that.
Powershell, windows terminal and winget are all legitimately nice tools, powershell especially is just stupidly more powerful than it needs to be (and verb-noun syntax is great).