The only way to make this remotely safe would be harnessing to the ceiling. Although that could still be bad if it tips over and catches your foot…
The only way to make this remotely safe would be harnessing to the ceiling. Although that could still be bad if it tips over and catches your foot…
I’ve been going to the gym 4 days a week (often just 2, but ideally 4). 2 upper body days, 2 lower body days.
For me, going to the gym means that I’m much more likely to do a full workout than if I stayed home. It’s also easier to properly target all of the important muscle groups. Machines are a good place to start. Use lower weight than you think, and really focus on feeling the muscle and doing slow, controlled motions.
I just do protein shakes, which is maybe not enough. I definitely don’t get enough calories, as I live alone and have a very hard time preparing food and eating a proper amount. Calorie surplus is important for building muscle. I’ve made very little progress because I keep losing any weight that I gain :(
I’ve never felt like I’m part of a community, and I have no idea where to even look for that. I feel like I’m doomed to be lonely and unhappy my whole life.
You’re going to die on the hill that music is objective, and the Beatles are objectively bad? Interesting…
I’m curious what bands you consider “objectively good”
Well I guess music is inherently subjective, but they have definitely written many good songs.
Because they’re good! Excellent songwriting that stands the test of time.
That song is literally nonsense meant to confuse people who overanalyze their songs. It’s not meant to be ‘deep’ haha.
You don’t have to like them, but there’s a reason why I and so many others think they’re fantastic.
That’s a good idea, and it could make a one way trip worth it if it meant becoming super powerful. I’d also focus on medical technology, and maybe computing.
Although I’m a bit unsure of whether I could really create enough broad social change just from that. My goal would be liberation for people of all races, genders, and sexual orientations, the dismantling of capitalism and power structures, etc.
The other option would be to do far back enough so that I could be some sort of god king, which would be a lot more work technologically, but might be easier to create a religion that would canonize my instructions.
True, I wouldn’t want to get Galileo’d, and I would definitely want to stay away from Salem, haha. I think ~1750 would probably be a good time. Someone like Euler would take it seriously.
I haven’t really thought through the details.
It would probably take decades to prepare, and to figure out what the best approach would be.
It also depends on how much I could bring back.
If it’s just me and what I can carry, I think I would just bring a few things to demonstrate the tech. Maybe a high power flashlight and solar charger. The important part would be a detailed guide on how to re-enginer everything we have today, as well as the science behind it. Really, I think scientific knowledge would be the most impactful.
If this was a huge operation with near infinite resources, I would send back a giant self sustaining compound with a general purpose factory. I think it would probably be possible to sustain a roughly 60s level of technology indefinitely on a small scale until the rest of the world caught up
Depends on the rules.
Round trip to a ‘read only’ version of the past? I’d like to see the dinosaurs.
Round trip that can make changes? Probably a few hundred or even thousand years ago, so I could give them modern technology, information about climate change, try to educate people on social issues, etc. I’d create detailed instructions and try to make a religion out of it. There’s no guarantee it would work, but I’d hopefully return to a solarpunk utopia. Honestly not sure if I would try this, as it would basically overwrite everything I’ve ever known.
One way trip? I’d probably pass, unless I can de-age. I would definitely want to go back to being a child with all my current knowledge.
Really? I’m in my 20s, and pretty much everyone I know smokes. I think it’s just less acceptable to smoke alone or in public.
Doesn’t Linux already have a bunch of forks? I’m using the CachyOS kernel, for example
The “default” for lack of a better term
There is a better term, it’s ‘cis’
While it’s definitely not possible with current tech, I don’t see why it wouldn’t theoretically be possible. It would be an insanely complex, multi stage process, though.
Regardless of pain perception: Assuming someone is okay with killing a fruit fly but not a human, they have to draw the line somewhere. And a pig for example is WAY closer to human than to a fruit fly. It’s a sentient being with a brain that’s not really so far from human, compared to the fruit fly which is essentially a tiny biological robot.
In fact, it’s kinda weird to draw the line at humans, especially when there’s such a big overlap between other animals and human children in terms of cognitive capabilities.
I think it’s very reasonable to draw the line after insects, where we can be reasonably certain that there’s no complex thought or sentience. The value and subjective experience of an insect versus a farm animal are hardly comparable.
Semi-broken nikon d3400 that I turned into an infrared camera
Cheap thermal printing camera that I just got. Abysmal quality but very fun
You want to go back to (nonexistent) 80s climate policy?? I don’t think you’ve thought this through.
To me it feels weird if there’s just one punctuation mark like this !
But normal if there are two like this !!
Like there should be a space only for even numbers. Don’t ask me why.