Educational content. I’ll get udemy or pluralsite content if I’m studying a topic. It has helped me earn certs and stay informed on different tech.
Educational content. I’ll get udemy or pluralsite content if I’m studying a topic. It has helped me earn certs and stay informed on different tech.
I love them in the summer. They are refreshing.
I really like tacking a pack of la Croix (or kombutcha) to a party or BBQ. I can chug through them like beer and be a responsible human at the end of the event. That no calorie and not artificial shit is a big big plus
They have a straight forward application process every week in IRC
Best after the local library.
I’d you dont mind spending money, get a yoto. Kids LOVE them and you can make your own cards https://support.yotoplay.com/en-US/make-a-card-from-your-own-recordings-and-create-playlists-21683
A yoto with headphones is cool, but kid content can be cool
My family tree. I’ll be a miracle if I make it out of my sixties. Whereas my wife’s grand parents all made it to their mid-nineties.
She could likely live 30 years past the point of my death.
No, my people dont live long. My wife will though. It makes me happy knowing that between both our labor she will be able to eek out a living in old age
The whole album is an instant repeat
Its been as easy as searching stuff like YAML or AWS on tracker sites. There is a surprising amount of content. I even got some cool cooking content from Master Class