This is a great analogy for anectotal evidence (“I had a great time”) vs empirical evidence (millions died, i.e. did not have a great time)
This is a great analogy for anectotal evidence (“I had a great time”) vs empirical evidence (millions died, i.e. did not have a great time)
I still have mine :) I still use it every few years, though just for moving the pc to a new appartment, it’s been forever since I was on a LAN party… Though mine is the basoc model, without the attachments for keaboard and cables
When you get to vote for multiple submissions every 2-3 months, turnout tends to be lower. Probably only people who hold a strong opinion about the topics of the current vote will actually vote.
Though if they were double sided, there is no way we can see all these cards in the same shot. If it starts at odd numbers (i.e. #1), #3 and #4 would share the same card front and back, if it starts even (i.e. a cover graphic and #1 on the same card), #4 and #5 should share the same card front and back.
Alternatively when creating the ventoy installation you can chose to leave X amount of space behind the ventoy partition and then create your own data partition there afterwards. You lose the advantage of “dynamically” sharing the available space between ventoy and your data, but with the seperqte partition you can use whatever filesystem you like for your data, and there is a clear seperation between ventoy and your other data.
I was asking myself, how much money do you need to have, to be in the top 1%?
So for context, according to this article, you are in the top 1% worldwide, if your net worth is above ~872’000.-, that is 19 million US Americans.
With 94’000.- you are in the top 10%
Easy, the real Donny wouldn’t know what Pierogi are, unless McDonalds has them on their menu now…
I honestly can’t believe we are in a situation where the US conservatives are cozying up to Russia and Nazi Ideology of all things. And they expect help for Ukraine to be nothing more than a business deal type loan with immediate financial return instead of political goodwill from what it sounds like