SSH generally best to use ed25519, for GPG RSA4096 is better supported by HSMs and slightly more secure for longer-lived keys like root keys.
SSH generally best to use ed25519, for GPG RSA4096 is better supported by HSMs and slightly more secure for longer-lived keys like root keys.
Yeah, I used Chrome up until extremely recently because genuinely no browser Just Works to the extent Chrome does.
Fast, good media codec support, Web API support for hardware access for PWAs, doesn’t lock up w/ a lot of tabs (post-quantum FF is better about this, but not quite there), excellent DevTools, and just generally snappier and more polished than even chromium.
I switched to firefox recently exclusively for better home-manager support, and other than the ability to use home-manager more easily, it’s just a slightly slower and jankier experience at all times whether it’s requiring transcode for Jellyfin, laggy WebGL performance, janky DevTools, or missing WebAPIs.
Solid Explorer
RSA4096 has a bit of an edge over ed25519 both in effective key size as well as support by things like YubiKeys and other HSMs that is beneficial for GPG but not really helpful for SSH.