Unrealistic, MAGA voters don’t question Trump
Unrealistic, MAGA voters don’t question Trump
Milei in the thumbnail
Asking my garlic head friends if they’re more into ursinum’s or sativum’s
Sorry for that ugly visual.
You are not forgiven. You’re not wrong. But you’re also not forgiven.
What a beautiful murderer. She reminds me of our girl Splotchy:
Is there a good short story or anything with this theme? I love that idea but don’t know if I’d want to read a whole book about it lmao
Feel like the company of Thorin didn’t even consider utilizing public transit to try and stop the desolation
Thought this said combat smaug for a second
Elon has like a dozen kids and his dad compares having kids to horse breeding and believes that the only thing we’re here on earth to do is have kids. So I think the implication is that Elon is a fucking psycho who would allow himself to be impregnated in order to further grow humanity (which is something Elon has said he wants to encourage everyone to do).
What’s wrong, babe, you’ve hardly touched your Cheesse board
Oh man, this is awesome - thank you for the recommendations! I’m excited.
I have an IG account, I don’t use it much but I’d love to see more like this for sure
What the fuck is this, I love it. Like literally what genre or format or whatever is this sort of thing? Like a surreal long form emotional webcomic?
Do we know what “sins” he is referring to, that he believed he needed to redeem himself over?
Buddy’s sperm has the midas touch but instead of gold it turns eggs into fertilized eggs
I’m a little ripped at the moment, is this saying that Russia is (allegedly) damaging these cables knowing that they’ll be really hard to repair due to international legal issues making insurance policies ineffective because of the risk that the repair ships could be attacked (again by Russia?) and insurance wouldn’t cover that so the people responsible for maintaining the cables are basically stuck?
Future headline: Indian government accidentally launches military offensive against Mars
What brand slippers are we working with over there?