I cannot stop laughing please help.
I cannot stop laughing please help.
real question. I’m assuming from the name that you can say trans rights are important. killing Nazis here is cool right? like opening up the physical rack, pulling out the backup drive, and bludgeoning them with it inside the housing? or would that be a violation of tos with your hosting company? is it only okay to suggest shooting them? do I have to be clear its only okay to do outside the data center where youre hosted?
yep! spin the wheel of genocides!
this is why you don’t vote for the “lesser evil” for twenty years. takes electoral politics from ‘impotent’ to ‘suicidal’.
its… well its not cool that this is the only option, but there are other kinds.
fucking seriously. he won’t step aside, and he won’t stop holding it over the abyss.
he wants to make it as painful as possible to vote for him, but I just… I know at this point I can’t, abd I’m starting to see much less radical people than me make that call.
yeah, even the gay ones.
also wrote the algorithms that made all young men and everyone’s grandparents Nazis.
then just made it worse when people pointed it out.
Yes. Library cats should all be hypoallergenic.
Youre not wrong! But also, when there’s no solution in reach, sometimes its mushroom time.
I don’t fuck with that alcohol shit tho.
Like drugs!
Which can also be politics, but whatever.
They will not stop until they’re killed, they’ll say it themselves if you ask them.
Theres nothing else to them but the killing, and things that support the killing-I looked in my own conversations with them, and asking some refugees-not palestinian refugees, but queer kids they threw away like trash, because of course they fucking do that, if there was anything worth keeping, anything they missed from ‘home’, and it was always only the ancient stuff and the Palestinian stuff. Even I miss things about the places I’m from.
And every fucking one of them knows. They’re so obsessively about the genocide. Its like once the topic comes up, there’s nothing else to them. Because there’s not.
They leave no other out, and I think all the things that make ‘genocide’ bad don’t apply here. Destroying a culture-either you think they’re Jewish, like they claim, and Jewish culture in the entire rest of the world keeps on ticking, or youve talked to one and know they’re disgusting goblin monsters who have no culture. Nothing is lost. killing innocents- but there are no innocents. Every one of them over the age of like 14 is guilty, and irredeemable. just killing shit tons of stuff, usually people. Sometimes not-buffalo for example but this is going to happen anyway, and they’re not going to stop killing, so youre not choosing that killing happens; youre doing the trolley problem. And I’m of the opinion that oppressor lives are worth less than shit-at least shit makes good fertilizer. there’s no point except this time there would be. There are people who need saving. People who have been discarded by the world too many fucking times, and I think letting them keep getting thrown away because we’re too precious about their oppressors is fucking monstrous.
Except it gets worse. Because cultural genocide is, by lemkin’s original definition if not the UN convention; still genocide; taking away the things that enable their culture to exist and reproduce itself would be committing a genocide, but genocide is their entire culture (watch what happens when they’re finished with Palestine), so even completely peacefully stopping the genocide, lets say proving we’re in a simulation, doing a breakout attack, getting root, and disabling PvP flags for the whole middle east, would be a genocide of the kapostanis. I genuinely cannot imagine how they would handle it. Mass suicide? Raiding africa for slaves? It would certainly not be fun to watch.
Given that I don’t know we’re in a simulation, I have no idea how to do a breakout attack on the ten year old computer I’m sitting in front if, and that anything you do to stop the genocide of the Palestinians would completely destroy ‘Israeli’ culture, I’m happy to just see them all dead. They chose to be this. And they’re kind of literally Nazis. If grandpa and video ganes taught me one lesson: killing Nazis is always good, and if history has taught me one lesson, its that we always let too many of them live after, and they fuck everything up for decades.
If any of them don’t want to be genocided, they could just leave, or if you think they’re still human, stop actively committing genocide at any point. But they don’t do that. They get offended if you tell them they could.
people will
Those aren’t people. Thinking of them as people is going to make stopping the genocide harder than it has to be, and will cost human lives.
heroes. we should support them more.