Really digging with the “US is barely better” by going back to 1988…
This fighter jet incident last month was definitely an unexpected incident, but a far cry from shooting a civilian aircraft out of either our own airspace, or a surrounding sovereign country’s airspace.
This whataboutism is hilarious if not so misguided simply for trying to say “America bad too.”
Honestly, why even bring up the US? It’s not like as if these stories have to do with us…
You’ve mentioned the same thing as the original comment.
What does the US have to do with this story? Why are we bringing up something from 36 years ago when I can go online and find like 5 different stories on planes Russia has shot out of the sky in the last like 10 years? You’re giving their shitty shoot first and don’t say shit later policy a pass by bringing up a geo-political rival that adds nothing to the conversation.