A surprisingly large number of people don’t vote. I refuse to believe that anything approaching half of voting-age Americans support this. Unfortunately, here we are.
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.
It’s Dug and Mu!
Buy a minivan, remove back seats. Add a bed and a battery bank, a small travel fridge and a hob for cooking then start camping at the nearest national parks. Refine my load out and start venturing farther and farther out.
It’s not a proxy war; it’s a proxy “police action.”
When two planes like each other very, very much…
Any flavor of vi, Gnu Screen, lrzsz, bash with the usual cli tools (awk, sed, grep, tail, head, rev, cat, tac, and recently jq and yq). Also openssh client. Some flavor of netcat is also crazy useful too. This is a good home for me to do my thing.
Edir: oh, and git. How did I forget git?!