They were asking for this, weren’t they?
They were asking for this, weren’t they?
Looks great, gameplay seems interesting and I guess it’s something for my 7yo son, too.
Yes, I wish there would be more. But I am okay with the state it’s in. The engagement is good enough, and I discover interesting things every other day. You can’t force it anyway.
That’s cool. What was your latest find?
We are going for board games all the time. My son is six and he loves them
A robot set for children. The robot is called Dash. It can be programmed with a tablet or laptop using special apps with a neat UI. We had one for two weeks and it was a lot of fun.
I use “Self Destructing Cookies” in addition to uBlock, so I can be relatively generous with exceptions as I know cookies will be deleted when I close the browser or after a defined period anyway.
Try Last of Us. It’s very atmospheric and well written.
Loved The Bridge 👍
Usually, my computers dropped in performance after around 10 years. They might contain parts that are a few years older by that time. So, to be able to use them further, I would suggest a minimum of 15 years.
Would you recommend using it with Ubuntu?
Both sites seem to be down by now
Alrighty. I asked myself the same question, so I will continue to today up my place in the future. Without putting stuff into cups and onto plates, of course. 😉