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Just your average friendly neighbourhood radical.
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You once again are telling me that all Vietnamese people think
Are USians a monolith because most USians can find the US on a map? Are Africans a monolith because most of them know the sky is blue?
Do you think most Vietnamese live in a whole bunch of alternative universes with different basic historical facts?
Is there something wrong with you?
Does being ridiculous come naturally to you?
Or does it only show up when your white liberalism-derived hysteria is threatened by reality?
Ask Vietnamese people how quickly China can turn on it’s “allies.” I’m sure they will be glad to tell you.
The entirety of Vietnam?
Yes, the entirety of Vietnam - unless you think that there are plenty of Vietnamese who don’t know or don’t believe that Vietnam was invaded by China during the Cold War… twice.
Fine. Don’t ask Jonas Savimbi. Ask the entirety of Vietnam - or do you have a problem verifying the histories of countries, too?
China is already helping Russia.
As I’ve already said… China could help Russia logistically - but this help could disappear in a puff of hot air tomorrow. Again… China has no friends.
Modi just had a big state visit to Russia.
And this doesn’t mean much in any way whatsoever.
I don’t need to ask Jonas Savimbi, I’ve been reading current events.
Actual history will tell you a lot more than warmed-over propaganda.
Good thing Russia isn’t making friends with China and India,
China has no friends - it’s like the US in that regards. And India even struggles to project power within it’s own borders, never mind outside it.
China could help Russia logistically, but Putin (and all of China’s other “allies” - and I use that term lightly) understand fully well that China’s “loyalty” can switch at any time - just ask Jonas Savimbi if you don’t believe me.
Looks like Argentina is doing a Greece…
You don’t need to be some geopolitical genius to know that this assessment is correct - Russia simply doesn’t have the economic and logistical power to engage in a wider European conflict with any prospect of success, and this was perfectly clear even before Russia invaded Ukraine and before everyone lost their minds to Putin-hysteria.
Wishful thinking by men if you ask me.
If you really want to give your cat dairy as a treat, give them yoghurt - actual yoghurt, not the sugary garbage masquerading as yoghurt.
Just warm it up to room temperature before you do, and don’t overdo it.
aren’t pretty but full of genetic defects
Nature despises purity.
The stupid part is that the third-way labor parties and social democrats are doing a much better job at socialism
Well… no, not really. It’s not that leftists hate social democrats… every anarchist I’ve ever spoken to appreciates the effort of people like Bernie and AOC - it’s just that we understand what they are allowed to do and what they aren’t. The political establishment will allow them to protect capitalism from itself by restraining it’s most obscene aspects it to a certain extent (and even such meagre self-protective measures are a bridge to far for the right-wing hivemind)… but that is all they could ever achieve.
Remember - no matter what the media hysterically screeches - the term socialism has a very hard and uncompromising meaning… a condition wherein the workers control the means of production. If it doesn’t measure up to that or only pretends to measure up to that, we can’t call it socialism with a straight face.
Well, then… what do you think we should call them? Do remember… it was Marxist-Leninists themselves that came up with that term.
forming a secret vanguard party isn’t the way to anarchism
Gee, you needed a book to tell you why nobody except your ilk gives a flying fuck about your precious vanguardism, eh? Most people don’t need a book to see the obvious.
Why would I compare books with you, tankie? You’ve already claimed to have read things you so obviously haven’t.
I’m not the one demonstrating weaponized ignorance on the subject, tankie - you are.
But hey… bring it on.
Yes, the Spanish anarchists were unsuccessful because Stalin
Yes. That’s why, tankie. And no… they didn’t lose because they decided not to take orders from your outrageously incompetent and cynical two-faced realpolitking fetish object Stalin.
NATO hasn’t been credible since they helped the US perpetrate a brutally violent colonialist pity party in Afghanistan.