If only there was some sort of invisible power we could harness from a large ball of fire 🤔
Game and Tool developer working with Godot and NixOS.
If only there was some sort of invisible power we could harness from a large ball of fire 🤔
lmao, yes. I would love to see the “Angrimaniacs” version.
If other countries decide to bomb or invade us, please start with the south east
though it’s unclear what the U.S. would receive in return.
Trump already got what he wanted, what even is this statement?
People that can see and think for themselves.
Note: this excludes a massive portion of US citizens.
Can we start a community in a National Forest somewhere? Since doge fired most of the national park rangers, we shouldn’t have too much trouble and can guarantee that at least that particular area stays clear of garbage and deforesting.
I have been trying so damn hard to talk it up. Doesn’t help that I live in MAGA-town USA at the moment.
I even handhold my closest friends (self-proclaimed liberals) on how to stop feeding the beast, and they think I’m over-reacting. Most folks in the USA are just… not willing to back up the things that come out of their mouth.
Fuck yea, keep doing this! People around me in the USA are fucking morons and can’t be bothered to do this. Even the liberals that complain about their corporate masters are too chicken shit to do it.
I’ve been waiting 10 years for this to catch on.
Less shitty link to the article where you can actually read it
From my experience, almost everything fails except for one combo: Amazon + United Kingdom. This combo has been flawless every single time, no failures, even when all others fail in the same session.
That being said, the downloaded audio format is hardly consistent. I’ll download a whole album, and half will be in FLAC, the other half in OPUS. Not a big deal with ffmpeg available, but still weird.
Yes, let them be happy supporting Disney, a company founded by a Nazi sympathizer and HD, a company that makes over-priced and 'Murican sized motorcycles with a built-in engineering defect that has become a feature.
Even with this shit financial system, you can make better choices. My comment still stands, they are dumbfucks. They’ve shown me that have no respect for me and my life, or my sibling and their child’s life. But yea, let them be happy while they piss on nature with their wallets.
I second the purple hats. It’s the color of the crown chakra and also the color of the queers. Red is the color of the root chakra and rednecks, very primitive.
ETA: can they please be pointy wizard hats instead of baseball caps?
Yup! Do what the christians are afraid of doing: treat your body like a temple.
I hope that Lidl and Aldi in the USA start doing something similar to this. I would love to know at a glance what comes from this shithole country and what doesn’t. Little hole-in-the-wall Asian and Latino markets are great for this already, practically nothing in them is local.
Granted, I don’t buy processed foods any way, but still.
lmao, my parents are dumbfucks who spend all their money on Disney vacations and Harley Davidsons when they don’t even have any retirement accounts and everything is in cash. I have no inheritance coming my way, are you kidding me?
It’s sad because he had a chance in 2016… then Cliton had to through a hissy fit with the DNC and fucked us all by giving Trump the upper hand for the first time.
I use Mullvad and Transmission, and I generally never have issues seeding. I’m currently seeding a few torrents from 1337x, EZTVx, and some linux ISO images.
Whenever I grab FitGirl stuff, I’m usually scraping the Fucking Fast links and using this library to download them, so I can’t speak to whether or not it’s something with FitGirl (but I can’t imagine it would be). Most likely some setting on your end.
I been using Transmission since it came out 20 years ago. I never understood why you would use anything else.
It’s FOSS and has the simplest interface with all the options.
Throughout the years I’ve seen so many of these apps get mass-adopted, then a few years later some issue comes up that makes people mass-exodus to another app and it starts all over again.
Meanwhile, Transmission has been consistent (and you can self-host/run seedboxes with it).
HAL was a virus the whole time
There are these things called batteries, and they don’t have to be made from Lithium.
Also, you could take it literally and burn wood to harness the warm energy surrounding it on a winter night.