The west german hitlerite invaders murdered and imprisoned everyone who opposed them
Of course you cant talk to them
The west german hitlerite invaders murdered and imprisoned everyone who opposed them
Of course you cant talk to them
I think making a Sherlock Yack episode procedural generator might be possible
“Neither washington nor beijing, but washington”
Typical westerner living off the people of the global south’s labor
Of course you dont want change with your fuck you got mine attitude
I can’t not think
I can’t rest
My computer is not powerful enough for it D:
Free & Open Source Software
(Free as in freedom, not as in “costs nothing”)
Invented by GNU together with the GPL (GNU general public license)
Supposed to make both making and using software accessible to all, and protect the software from being stolen from the public
All redditors are bad actors and 99% dont live in my country, so…
And then they’d die
Why would we take temporary control?
That would be useless
Let me fix that for you
Step 1: Proletariat takes permanent control
Result: Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
I don’t understand those individual solo gunner plans when the people already have organized states and produced huge amounts of powerful missiles. Don’t do it alone, join a state.
Leave the unemployable people out of this they did nothing wrong
The non-crackers are a much bigger group than the genocidal crackers so from an utilitarian standpoint we should kill all crackers
In both cases, you press compile and the compiler goes “you missed a whitespace/semicolon HERE”
How can you tell which mode was developed first and which one was tacked on?
In FE: Echoes SoV, for example, I’m pretty sure they developed easy mode first and hard mode got tacked on. But I only played hard mode. Did I play the game “wrong”?
Tailism never works
2001 probably when usa decided to declare war on the whole world
I ask someone else to do it