No sorry, it doesn’t make comments like yours necessary and if you want to know why scroll up and read again
No sorry, it doesn’t make comments like yours necessary and if you want to know why scroll up and read again
I don’t even know what you’re trying to say
This is a fallacy that’s been deconstructed so many fucking times the fact im about to do it again for you makes my tummy hurt a little bit but ill do it anyways
You’re interpreting that quote as there being either one issue we can globally engage in, or another. But that’s not how it is. You could also go into any thread talking about violence against dogs, or violence against the elderly, or against Palestinians, and make the same annoying pointless whataboutism and you wouldn’t technically be incorrect that violence against men is just as valid, but you’d still receive backlash every time. Why? Because you’re using this issue that’s near to your heart, violence against men, and instead of engaging with it in an honest attempt to improve the situation, you’re simply weaponizing it against others and their cherished social issues to the benefit of literally nobody.
You put activist in quotes but let me ask you, what op eds have you written? What charities have you donated to, nonprofits have you volunteered for? How many bricks have you thrown? I guarantee you none, because every single time I see someone doing the shit you’re doing, it’s the extent of their “activism,” and THATS where the quotation marks belong, on your shit, not anyone else’s.
If it’s actually an important issue to you, why make your grand stand in the comments section of a post talking about a different issue
Israel is getting full-throated bipartisan support
They’re getting what
It’s got soul which beats like 99% of vehicles on the road
I think magenta is the made up one. But also apparently most colors are existentially weird in some way
Data harvesting is a lucrative business. You don’t need to have a good product with todays internet, you just need to have access to a lot of insanely personal data, and yahoo has both an expansive advertising network and hosts hundreds of millions of email accounts. They’re just Google except they don’t pretend to care about anything else
I see. My bad
as long as states like Iran aren’t getting access
This is kind of the whole argument against nuclear proliferation though. The more bombs that exist, the harder it is to keep it out of the hands of completely unpredictable groups like iran. You have allies to radical Islam all over the world, it’s how you get the kind of coordinated terrorism on the scale of 9/11 and the Paris attacks. Even one single security slip up might be enough to completely fuck us all.
The barrier to entry between terrorists and nuclear weapons needs to be kept watertight, rock solid, and a mile thick, and you really can’t expect that on a global scale, it’s just the law of large numbers. The risks of proliferation therefore, in my opinion at least, are completely unacceptable
Edit: also I just want to mention that the swords/guns metaphor really doesn’t work because this is a problem that potentially concerns the security of literally all life on earth. There is no historical precedent beyond a few decades of REALLY precarious history. That precedent is being set every single day with every policy and every minute to minute decision. The danger to humanity is very real
Thanks for the (second!) completely unprovoked swipe in this thread but it’s a minor inconvenience and I like my instance just fine
Ohhh wait does it depend on the instance your account is hosted on?? And not the instance you’re on?
no offense but i don’t think I’ve ever heard this opinion before, may i ask why
Who do i contact to reenable the downvote button
Yeah I’m curious too, I just hope I’m not being duped into seeding malware
Anti cheat works fine nowadays, I’ve heard that the only problems are caused by devs/publishers that explicitly don’t allow their games to launch on Linux. e.g. Elden Ring and Apex Legends both use easy anticheat; the former boots just fine on Linux while the latter doesn’t work no matter what you do
Some of you are gold medalist cat namers