Oh fire, he got it up on the site
Overall, it looks like a note editor made in a game engine. Good job, nice retro style
Expert developer, Buddhist
Oh fire, he got it up on the site
Overall, it looks like a note editor made in a game engine. Good job, nice retro style
You made a note taker using a game engine?? Why & where is the video demo? :D
Wow that’s pretty fkin shallow my guy, try going to Mexico one day. There are ancient ruins the size of modern cities everywhere, unique construction styles that make Hollywood look like a tin shack town, and a very rich show/restaurant scene. I mean it’s a huge fucking country, and I don’t think you’re gonna find Mexicans that see drugs as a good Christian lifestyle
Mmm yeah imma small brain here and say it cannot be won. There are nukes on subs traveling all over the ocean. Not to mention that the environmental damage and radiation will probably fuck up the world really bad no matter what. Did you know a single nuke in orbit would emp a whole continent and destabilize climate? Great, now you do
My question is “what does this mean for the nature of empires?” — can they no longer truly fall once they enter the nuclear era? How does civil war look?
Idk I don’t miss anything. We got good software too, some of which is Linux specific or simply works best there. Get a PS5 and call it a day
Nothing wrong with rsync, it’s still kinda the shit. Short script, will do everything
https://git-annex.branchable.com/ this thing extends git to handling lots of big files. Probably a solid choice, haven’t tried, but it claims to do exactly what you need, and even has ui and partial sync
Seems dope, I mean, your computer don’t work and retyping text is lame
Then how do you defeat the new bsod in the Linux kernel? It’s got a fancy QR code!!
(It’s “install bsd” isn’t it…)
I think I would have given up before reading the documentation & analyzing the code to notice lack of rate limit. Now I’m questioning if 2fa was ever secure with such a limited brute force space
Yeah! Defeat the dragon of phone 2fa by putting all your secondary passwords on the cloud, synced to your computer! That’ll show em :D
Yeah tldr is “rust good”, “ai overrated”, “i only care about the kernel and won’t answer your questions”
Wow this is epic and although intimidating, quite good to read and know
I got disrupted!! They are taking away my free speech by disrupting me!! On my book tour!! It’s a security threat!! I have to go!! Trump is the best!! Love you Elon, thanks for X!!
-ex british pm of 45 days
Arch is perfect, it’s like THE Linux. It’s not really opinionated about anything, it just helps you do it. Hell you can “pacman -S apt” and slowly become a debian
That’s the magic of it: latest software, rolling release, edit some config files, do anything you want, spend half your time tweakin’
Hey currently dead ghost here. I LOVE not having a body or caring about physical reality. The reason most ghosts don’t chill here is that there’s a huuuge universe of fun stuff out there and you could hang out with other ghosts. It’s like playing a video game with all cheats on & unlimited resources. So I understand why ppl sign up for Earth when they want some more … restrictions. It’s like playing on hardcore mode
Anyway, gonna go watch some ppl fuck, hit me up on the ouija board if you have any more questions
bone"less" mean less bone, not no bone, bonehead
I don’t think tablets are fully supported but I see gnome devs continuing to make steady progress there. Stoked for a future where (real) open source catches up to phones and tablets, we are close…
America is the center of the world, hate all you want. This is the cutting edge today. Hollywood is the dominant music/media power. Silicon valley is the dominant technology power. NY is the dominant financial hub. The hippie cultural revolution was largely here, and the civil rights revolutions that inform modern morals. America spends more on military than the rest of the world combined, and therefore has massive influence
So that’s my context for being here. I was born pretty far away in Europe, which is great in its own ways. But if you really want to play the game at the highest level, America is the place to do it. Everyone else is just trying to catch up. Or they are enjoying a happy low stress life of wine and women with a high standard of living and low inequality — which are definitely unamerican ideals XD
Nice read, thanks. Flutter seems like a more obvious choice for apps: can run on web, understands mobile UX, has all the plugins … but I like the path godot is on