Mrs. Peacock token for Cluedo
Mrs. Peacock token for Cluedo
Nah, 5mm is a fifth of an inch. 5cm would be 2 inches.
Do you like to play the drums?
Well it wasn’t called the Weststand.
How’s Goldberg supposed to eat this?
If they’re losing so many electrons, they must be pretty positive by now.
I almost feel like I’m being contrarian by asking this, though it isn’t my intent: your alternatives sound great at first blush, but how do you intend that those alternatives are enforced? Does that lead into your estimated >1% of offenders?
Is that supposed to be the strange insult?
Damn, did I touch a nerve?
Sounds like a case of the crayon-eater calling the mouth-breather stupid…
You can also 68 something if it becomes available again, like a reverse 86. For instance: the kitchen runs out of Brussels sprouts and 86’s them, but someone completes an emergency produce run to the local market and preps enough for the rest of the night, so now they’re 68.
So when Lord Carnarvon sent Howard Carter into the Valley of the Kings with his team…
…that was the Invasion of the Body Snatchers?
You’d need to limit the capacity to vote on credibility to people who are members of the community. If you haven’t joined, you can’t make a judgment about what is or isn’t a good faith post, but your own post can be voted by members. Rather than being attached to just the user, it would probably be better if it were referenced to the user per community. Even so, it’s essentially karma, and could probably be gamed.
Otherwise, you’ve just reinvented upvotes.
Do you often look out your window and see everything you dream about and wish you had?
Confound it, mother. I grow weary of this immensurable Gehenna.
“Bimbo” originally referred to men. “Himbo” shouldn’t exist; we should just strip away gender from “bimbo” instead. It’s more inclusive that way.
I view this as a checklist of brand names that require additional assistance in falling off of the trademark cliff and crashing down onto the rocks of common usage below.
TotallynotJessica is TotallynotWrong. The value of a person’s life is immeasurable. If we first accept that statement as bedrock fact, then proceed logically from that starting point, better ways of relating to those around us naturally emerge.
Are we talking about Steambirds?