Why did people vote for the Orange one? How.can you be so stupid?
Why did people vote for the Orange one? How.can you be so stupid?
Who wants to drive cars of this freek?
Thanks for pushing electric cars, but we don’t need you anymore now!
I’m living in Germany. At the moment, the country is seeking stability after the FDP crashed the government, so a coalition with SPD seems to be very realistic. The far right party on rank 2 is hated by everyone and other coalitions required 3 parties…
Der antifaschistische Schutzwall war seiner Zeit voraus…
Na hoffentlich hat kein potenzieller Wähler Angst vor denen…
Ich stelle mir bloß die Frage, was passiert wäre, wenn R2G regiert hätte während der Ukraine-Invasion… Das hätte zumindest starke Spannungen gegeben, wenn nicht sogar mehr.
Well… If I was China, I’d see this as a motivation to invade Taiwan.
If the invasion works, it works.
If it doesn’t, simply wait for a US president that isn’t able to plan 3 days ahead.
Why teaming up with Russia? They are a large country with a broken economy and now also a broken military…
That’s against humanity… Oh, wait, Russia doesn’t care about that…
You’ve probably misheard it…
Putin also never said, the war would be short… He expected it to take 3 day…cades…
Trump will probably get mad aboit something at some point and send lots of weapons…
That’s the problem. Doing nothing means not confronting anyone with change. As soon as a party tries changing anything now, the tractors block the streets or the rival parties tell crazy stories about your change…
Because the far right party exists since 2016 and each try to get too close to them resulted in failure.
So, it’s shocking to see someone try it again.
Most prominent case of the past: The Kemmerich government in Thüringen who accepted votes from that party. Kemmerich had to resign a few days later.
THIS is what I want to see when opening Lemmy! Not this circus called US politics!
Funniest are people quoting Goebbels who said something like that…
Like… Bruh… You are falling for the tricks of the minister of propaganda of the Deutsches Reich of 1940 in 2025…
After the actual Nazis banned a party, people made it far more difficult to ban parties.
You can try it, but it could fail. And the whole spectacle means more attention for them.
The interview probably ends abruptly when he finds out, she’s homosexual.
What a shit show…
This is the weakness of modern democracies… You, as Putin, can just wait for 4 years and there will maybe be an idiot in power, who.ruins everything done before.