Winter tires, people!
Winter tires, people!
Not everyone thinks “society” is a goal.
You are assuming you will still have a job, or that US dollars will still have value.
Sort of. As I understand it, theres a pretty specific weight/grade/thickness of oil that can be refined into products. Most of the US oil is too thin. Most Canada oil is too thick. So we mix the two and viola!
It’d be nice if someone in Canada would build a refinery here. But then we’d have to import thin oil to mix with.
And even if you are dumb enough to respond to one of those emails, the liability is limited to something $50 per title. So it’s not worth the money to pay a lawyer to go after anyone. They will however try to trick you into a private settlement.
Max Headroom: 20 Minutes into the Future.
Pepsi: The choice of a new generation.
Mcdonalds has Pizza now?
This isnt an example of “defeating the purpose”. This is something that might be considered pointless, like making your bed when you’ll just sleep in it again later.
Defeating the purpose would be writing the password to your computer on a sticky note and putting it where anyone can see it.
If you like puzzle games I suggest trying portal. Portal 1 is inexpensive on Steam and playable on any modern PC including on Linux. It’s low pressure, has some humor, not very violent, and you can restart from anywhere you like.
All y’all never heard youse before?
The rest of humanity will eventually evolve into something you don’t recognize and can never be part of.
hot dogs in Kraft Dinner
If I had a million dollars,
we wouldn’t have to eat Kraft Dinner.
Growing up I watched my mom drink cup after cup and then let her anxiety run rampant. Told myself I wasnt gonna touch it. I don’t even find the smell appealing.
You managed to get through childhood without learning the alphabet song?
Also has (or had) a cli interface.
Means work smarter, not harder.
My old roommate got a window air conditioner for $20. I got about 15 years of use out of it until I had the windows replaced on the house and it didnt fit anymore. I sold it for $50.
Walked into the store on boxing week and saw a roku stick on clearance for $10. Used it for years until the remote died. Used the phone app with it for a while until i found another roku kit on sale for less than a replacement remote.
The US needs to start making their own fentanyl!