Something my grandpa said, sometime around 2006-2007 I think.
“The next world war, will be between the rich and and the poor, and the rich will win before the poor knows there’s a war.”
I am Lattrommi. Yes, that one. You’ve never heard of me? I’m not surprised. It is often said that anything you put on the internet will live there forever. It becomes immortal. I do everything backwards and wrong. I do not live forever, I am always dying. ¿|√∞²|?
Something my grandpa said, sometime around 2006-2007 I think.
“The next world war, will be between the rich and and the poor, and the rich will win before the poor knows there’s a war.”
Ah, makes sense. Mine does more of a Salvador Dali thing, like the stache is trying to join forces with my eyebrows.
This is likely a regional thing but the one I went to, which was billed as LGBTQ friendly, had 20 participants, 1 bi woman, 1 bi man, 2 straight women and the rest was straight men.
It was not well organized, cost $20, used prompts that weren’t relevant since the early 90’s and overall was awkward and depressing. I hope yours fares better.
Pretty sure I was the only one on speed too. (Joking!)
What I have difficulty with, is when some wayward knotted cluster I’ve inadvertently consumed, tries to jump ship the next day in the restroom, while having managed to braid itself on one end into my derrière hair, while the other side of it is still chilling somewhere up in my small intestine.
I find a tiny pair of scissors to be very useful. I trim back only one part of my facial hair, the ‘hitler mustache’ area. It can be done quickly and easily and with care, few would notice there was anything trimmed at all. For me, it makes a world of difference when eating. I wont try to convince you further, I know Ii’m set in my ways, just wanting to say that there is an alternative to lip hair inhalation.
RE soups and stews: Leave it. Let it dry. You never know when you might need an emergency ration. Soak it in a bowl of water for a light snack or a mid-afternoon burst of energy.
but can you turn yourself on? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I am a jack of all trades, master of none. I’m a nobody, who likes to have fun. I’m easily distracted and lose focus a ton.
I am an amateur scientist, a cook, an author of unwritten books, I can’t solve your problems but I’ll still take a look.
I’ve been a toy soldier, a quick thinker, a recycling inventer and a useless tinker, who was once known as a legendary drinker.
I’m naturally shy but occasionally I’m bolder and i see beauty beyond the eye of the beholder as a student or mentor to both younger and older.
A person “who” cares, doesn’t matter about “what”, “when” I’m needed, “where” ever that may be, and sometimes “why”. z.
I’ve walked a mile in your shoes and I ran so far away just to be the man who walked a 1000 miles to fall down at your door.
I never give up, never surrender, never gonna let you down, never gonna turn around, bright eyes, every now and then i fall apart.
A party of one, a party of five, a party of me, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, staying alive, staying alive. As long as I know how to love I know I’ll be alive, I will survive.
I want it all or maybe just a little bit off more than I can chew on that it’s a piece of cake and eat it too rich for my blood is thicker than water you talking about?
Chances are, the odds are even, shirts versus skins. don’t stop believin’ that as far as I’m concerned, everybody wins or was kung fu fighting, thunderbolts and lightning, please.
Online I go by Lattrommi, the first and foremost, last but not least, mostly a man, still part beast, from the state of ohio in the united states of north america on this planet earth within the sol system somewhere along an arm of the milky way galaxy.
If you read all this, I hope you have a nice day.
yeah i need to find a better image hosting site. this might work https://imgur.com/a/uQCwjX9
What phone do you have? I used to have a work phone that had 2 sim card slots and an sd card reader, a huge battery that was removeable without requiring restarting and an audio jack for headphones but no pop out camera and the camera kinda sucked. bluebird ef500r-anlt. no longer being made sadly. has an ir blaster too. love it, wish it still could operate as a phone.
Have you tried a vertical mouse? I have a Logitech MX vertical and a left handed generic one that is pretty much identical to it in size and love them.
I saw a mirrored one once, that wasn’t detachable but on the left side of the keyboard and I regret not buying it because I haven’t been able to find one since. Plus it was close to $1,000. I tried making a picture of the keyboard i dream of. It’s still a work in progress, somethings aren’t correct and i’m missing a few keys still. https://i.imgur.com/wBBxNf8.png
devices should only have one button if they only need to be turned on or off.
Excellant write up, thank you.
I’m not exactly sure what ‘opinionated’ means in terms of software, could you (or anyone who sees this) define it?
Something I’ve heard in different ways goes something like this: A young man wanted a bike so he prayed to his god for a bike but never got it. So he stole the bike and prayed for forgiveness.
You already know the answer to your question. The (rhetorical) question now, is what will you do going forward?
This link is about the moon but it starts by covering how to view space and orbital objects including simulators which allow one to do what you describe, as well as the ability to move the camera from on ball to the other and many other interesting simulations. https://ciechanow.ski/moon/
Stay on Earth.
Pretend all is normal and fine.
Once the ‘elite’ have left to their new planet:
Cut off all communications with them.
Destroy any of their supply lines left behind.
Wait 5-10 years.
Watch as the Earth heals rapidly, with it’s biggest source of destruction now gone and nature resumes being an unstoppable force.
Live a long and happy life, free of megalomaniacs.
Optional: hold hands with two chicks at the same time.
It didn’t happen while Biden was in the height of his presidency
It didn’t?
In his first year in office I remember loans were getting partially forgiven through the public service forgiveness, (for firefighters, teachers, first responders and other civil servants) Prior to Biden, that program forgave ~7,000 loans in full or in part since it started in 2007. Overall, the current leadership has forgave some or all student loan debt for over 4 million people so far. That’s pretty great I think. Hopefully they manage to help a few more of the remaining 10 million victims.
The key words there are ‘long term’. It takes forever to get these rules and regulations in place and they aren’t going to be dismantled immediately. Rome didn’t fall in a day. I think IDR’s and most of the alternative payment plans have fixed interest rates. You’re likely at a fixed rate already. Ask about those if you call the loan servicer. Any significant change will take time and have pushback. Get your shit sorted out ASAP for sure, you should be doing that anyways. Then worry about what changes a bankrupted pedophile might try to pull.
RE: cat, Looking directly at a cat or engaging with one directly can be interpreted as an act of aggression. Note that cats do not have the ability to discern species. To the cat, you are one of these things: food; enemy; a bigger cat with less hair. If you ignore the cat, it will assume you are not a threat. It may warm up to you faster this way. Some cats are just jerks too.
To live my life as happily as I can. Oh and two chicks at the same time I guess.
I moved all my debt from a third party to being a government loan. Does that change anything?
Yes, that is the wisest move you could have mmade considering your circumstances as I understand. I am not an accountant, lawyer or professional of any kind that’s relevant. Some of what I say here may be incorrect. To the best of my knowledge it’s accurate. I am someone who had the entirety of their student loans forgiven, thanks to president Joe Biden. It took a large amount of time spent reading legalese, time on the phone with loan servicer representatives and way too much time worrying about shit which I could not change quickly or easily.
First thing: No one should ever be trapped in a situation, where they feel they must choose between bills/food/rent or paying loans granted for educational purposes and enabled/encouraged by the government. No one. Honestly it’s ironic in my opinion, that there is a lack of educational resources available for mitigating debt gained solely for the purpose of education.
Thankfully, there are also many, many rules in place, made to prevent your situation and others like it from occurring.
If you suck on the phone, go to their website. If the website sucks or is confusing, take short notes and write down any questions. The most likely best option for you is an Income Driven Repayment plan. IDR. However, some people may not qualify due to whatever loan scams were available when the loan was first taken out.
The person you talk to is not getting a commision. Your payments do not go to them. They are there to answer your questions. Their job is to keep the account out of default. They (probably) do not want you to go into default or declare bankruptcy. They (hopefully) want you to communicate, work with them and eventually make payments or contribute to society (more on that later). The government owns your debt. That debt is also probably insured or negligable. The government probably does not NEED your balance in full on time. They have other ways of generating income, like literally generating physical currency. Having wages garnished and getting drops in your credit score are from not doing anything and gnoring the debt and their notices.
On an IDR they will look at your income and any other expenses you might have. Some things count in your favor like paying your electric bill and rent, other things are irrelevant like a nyetflix subscription or paying for ubers. They determine through algorithms or math or something if you can afford to make payments or not. If you are truly in dire finanacial stress, you probably will get a deferment if you aren’t already on one.
If you work as a teacher you can get loans forgiven. Same goes for certain types of public service. There are other repayment plan options. Check studentaid.gov, it has a forgiveness page with a wealth of information. It isn’t always easy to understand because there is a lot of nuance and circumstances covered. You can try calling their hotline number too but I had better luck with the servicer. Mine were forgiven due to being totally and permanently disabled. I had no idea it was an option.
There are other comments here basically saying “jUsT pAy it” which aren’t contributing to the conversation at all. They should be treated as what they are: trolls and losers. Fuck them. They deserve nothing, not a second glance, not a reply, not even a downvote. Fuck. Those. Pricks.
Good luck, don’t let your past define your future. Unless you want it to.
I believe the first part is already occuring, it’s the last half that I hope is wrong.