Mouth for attention, gills for results
Mouth for attention, gills for results
Hostile takeover is what that looks like
We were a small team canvassing for a nonprofit. So we would go out to markets and busy areas and talk to people all day trying to get donations.
Well one time we were out during election times and this guy from our team spent the majority of the day campaigning for a local candidate. That was his last day on the team.
You gotta make sure to leave room for the crucial bean antenna
I would also recommend Doctor Sleep if you haven’t seen it. It’s a wonderful sequel/tribute to the Shining and so, so dark.
New trolley problem just dropped
Thanks, I ended up going with “wealthy overseas relative who I have to report to”
This is roughly what I went with. I also kept it vague
That’s how it felt the entire visit
Thanks for the suggestions, I did ask about those. The agent had no idea but it made me sound more legit. Also, I posted an update!
Just posted a update!
Thanks for your advice. This helped me feel less nervous about the visit. I did stay vague but friendly when he asked me personal questions.
Thanks, I wrote down all your questions in my notebook. Turns out everything has to be redone so that was easy. This house is definitely a money pit. But if I had infinite money, I would totally restore it.
Just posted a update (no video though)!
Yes, overseas relative was the story I went with. It also allowed me to justify taking a bunch of photos.
Thanks, I tried to focus my questions on renovation during the visit. But it was actually pretty obvious, everything has to be redone.
Just posted a update!
Thanks for the advice, which made me less nervous to meet with the real estate person, especially because they had a visit just before me
Just posted a update!
Have you seen Babe? That’s where that quote is from originally