Polish ID be like…
Polish ID be like…
I turn 18 in a week, signing this will probably be the second thing I do after my birthday (the first one will be drinking myself to blackout to forget the current state of the world)
The piece of shit saying that was formed to screw the US
Exactly. Not even he is that stupid. His narcissist ass is just bullshitting to feel tough and get attention.
Wait until she (or her son) learns about dead languages
replace Americans with literally any conservative
Fuck AI art, honestly. I find the idea of using AI for instance in microbiology for finding combinations of proteins awesome, and so is it being used to help people learn and improve. For instance, when I don’t understand concept in like math and engineering, I ask AI to give me advice. But using it for ‘art’ is honestly disgusting. It steals personality from art.
Transphobes realizing that the conservative media lied to them and that trans people are normal people be like
“bUt NoRmAlCy…” Fuck this stupid, perverse idea of normalcy. People should be free to express themselves (as long as theyre not harming anyone ofc), no matter their gender. The freedom of expression is fundamentally programmed into the human nature and must be respected in a free society.
Am at my Lim h->0 (f(x+h)-f(x))/h
ah fuck
definitely meant that
I deeply apologize for this tiny mistake in my body of text in the English language. As the preposterous spelling of mine must have inflected a considerable emotional pain upon you, I shall correct my mistake:
…while also abusing poor people to build the censorship models