So Trump and Putin meeting next week? I mean it is about time he finally gets his blowjob, the sexual tension between these two is really something.
So Trump and Putin meeting next week? I mean it is about time he finally gets his blowjob, the sexual tension between these two is really something.
Firefox. I can’t imagine they would do something stupid like this with the little marketshare they have, but nothing surprises me anymore.
Does ublock work with any of these alternatives?
Time for Ukraine to join the EU quickly. Tariff his precious minerals.
Orange fuckwit.
After many years of tiling wms I recently settled on Plasma. I found that tiling causes more issues than it solves (window rules much?!). For me tiling only is useful for terminals but there are other solutions for that (tmux for example).
I had to get used to not being able to do workspace per monitor anymore but now I am using Activities which works really well actually. I am a dev and have a 3 monitor setup, one for logging (bunch of terminals), one for coding and one for the output of the project I am working on (browser).
I also play games for which Plasma is perfect, its xwayland implementation is flawless, even on HiDPI which cannot be said of Hyprland for example.
Tl;dr I like Plasma.
Yeah wtf is up with that??
I’d be bloody embarrassed if I drove one.
And airbnb charging insane “service fees” in the process. There is a lawsuit in my country being formed against them for this.
Way too fast as well it looks like. Maybe both engines failed and it was the last possibility to get it down. RIP. Last moments must have been awful, especially for the pilots who saw that wall coming …
Same kind of damage as on MH17 which was a BUK missile if I remember correctly. It basically explodes near the target like a big handgrenade causing scattered damage like this.
I really appreciate the work and time the volunteer devs put in, but everytime I try KDE I have to give up because of some workflow breaking bug. Window rules disappearing into thin air, context menu’s not rendering properly, power management not consistent, widget search freezing, random crashes. the list goes on. This has been the case with every major KDE release I tried and yes I have reported my fair share of bugs but it seems the priority lies with adding new features instead of fixing old ones which is a shame imo.
Wow that’s crazy. Hope they find the guy.
Wtf. Anyone have the back story on this?
Wayland: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Wayland#Tiling
Hyprland user here.
Nostalgia. Slackware was my very first Linux distro!
I just did the opposite. Ditched windows which I only used for gaming. The amount of games working in Linux now is amazing, I play a lot of sims and even stuff like headtrackers and steering wheels just work. Sure it’s not perfect and working for everybody but its getting really good really fast.
Games that do not work at all on Linux like Fortnite for example, I just ignore.
Not sure if they are any good now but I know the F35 had major issues as well.