Enlightenment was such a cool window manager. Shame the development pace was (and still is) slow and it never really took off.
Enlightenment was such a cool window manager. Shame the development pace was (and still is) slow and it never really took off.
Anyone found the “simplified python logo”?
Is IRC still that popular? I mean it’s all Discord and Matrix etc these days (not saying that’s a good thing, I f’in hate Discord)
What kind of channels are you in if I may ask?
Apart from the fact that bubble 1 and 2 point to the wrong person.
You sound like you would be an awesome addition to any community really. I take it you went all in on this thing?
I’m not picking sides, defending anyone nor do I give a flying fuck about all this drama. I only shared my observations. As long as I can keep using Hyprland I’m happy. And if not, another cool tiling wm will popup. Bye!
Thanks. A lot of drama then. I’ve been in the discord and on github for a while and from that I can tell vaxry has a bit of a “personality”, as many good developers have. Nothing wrong with that. I like Hyprland a lot, I have been using it daily for 2 years or so and any bugs I reported got fixed really fast. In the end it is a solid project and that’s what really matters.
Let’s hope this thing blows over quickly.
Why does everything have to be a video these days ffs. What’s the tl;dr?
There are still some people doing commits but I think the original devs have moved on.