I guess not lol, but I did think it started as a flash game.
I guess not lol, but I did think it started as a flash game.
This guy has definitely played ‘Pandemic’ the flash game
Tbf, I was calling it 3rd world country with iPhones. Although I’m pretty sure the USA was one of the countries that invented the terms “1st/2nd/3rd world countries” as a way of dividing themselves from the brown poors
The entirewar has always been about their resources
Yet. Not doing that yet. That’s cause it’s not up and running yet lol. We’ll see who pays them top dollar for their CO2.
I personally think it will take a complete shift in human mentality. One that will only come about via artistic movements, whether that be music, painting, film, or even propaganda posters.
IMO, art is the most important factor for bring about such a massive cultural shift. Kind of like how art in the Renaissance caused people to view life more scientifically and logically instead of based purely of faith.
Similarly, art from the the hippie movement in the 70s promoted peace and love instead of competitiveness, war and destruction.
These models always assume that direct carbon capture technologies will extract ridiculous amounts of the CO2 out of the atmosphere.
Also 3C will be devastating as is though. That’s not including biodiversity loss, ocean acidification, and rising sea levels.
Even if they raise hotel prices 50%, they’ll still be cheaper than hotels in other massive cities. If people don’t mind paying $300/night in Paris or London, they’ll be okay with paying $150-200/night in Barcelona.
Then there’s this guy…
Tbf, so did the Israel Palatine conflict, if not earlier.
False scarcity and hoarding capital
One example would be when people move around in large crowds. Their behavior can be misspelled by following fluid dynamics equations. It’s as if thousands of people share a consciousness that they don’t understand/notice.
Taoism teaches us that the it true consciousness is universal. We are essentially waves of energy, all bound together/connected by empty space. So we share a consciousness that can be tapped into his meditation and being in the moment.
This is also a s flawed take. Why does everyone want to buy? Years of propaganda and lobbying eliminated any possible alternatives. The USA was covered in rail and tram tracks in urban areas, most of which was removed and replaced with automobile infrastructure.