Well murder risks further interaction with cops, the legal system, lawyers… Can I just stare at the stranger for 5 seconds? I could probably manage a smile.
Wait, you’re a stranger! Look ma I did it!
Follow me on TikTok and YouTube for Missouri political coverage @mokc913
Well murder risks further interaction with cops, the legal system, lawyers… Can I just stare at the stranger for 5 seconds? I could probably manage a smile.
Wait, you’re a stranger! Look ma I did it!
You too.
We are not attempting to “erase male victims.” I understand this is an extremely triggering topic as a victim myself. We are pointing out the difference in experiences that clearly exist. I am sorry you were harmed, both in the past and through my comment, but I ask that you take time to take care of yourself and think about the disparities between those numbers and experiences. No one should be victimized as you were, and certainly no one should go through what the women did in this trial. Can you understand the difference?
I did not say any of that.
Plus, when has a man ever been drugged and gang raped by only women? That’s what’s even more disturbing about this case.
I have memories of my parents telling their memories describing pretty heavy neglect when I was 0-3. I have a lot of vivid memories of abuse beyond that point, and it’s like therapy and education just bring up more. I dunno what else to do with my life but obsess over how to help prevent it for future generations however possible
Most people start retaining more concrete memories around three. It’s when we develop object permanence iirc
I guess so. Roosters are the ones that crow, but when they’re alone (seeing themselves in the mirror) I suppose they figure they don’t need to signal there’s danger. I’d have to look for the video and paper for more details on whether they tested whether this was true with other roosters or just chickens, but from my memory I think they did both
I heard a pet behaviorist explain the mirror test for roosters/chickens had to be designed with consideration for them being social animals. They found when putting a mirror without other chickens around, the roosters wouldn’t crow when a predator was flying overhead. Yet, with other chickens there, they did
Gotta know how to design the test, essentially
Hey, I found that ex wife very useful to your story
Procrastinators unite!..Later! (I got diagnosed in my 30s, highly recommend)
That’s pretty much what I did this time, but I did also pay attention to the weapon I picked (bloodhound fang) and what attributes scaled well with it (strength, but more so dex). I’m also looking up videos for most of the bosses so I can get familiar with their attacks before losing all my runes 😅 I’ll probably be using the fextra chat to find help on the final demigods, too lol
Me still working my way through the first playthrough of elden ring
(I gave up for like a year cuz i’m dumb and didn’t pay attention to which weapons and specs were best to upgrade)
Towel robes are fucking amazing for this. Fuck Bernie Sanders with his advocacy for universal healthcare, and Vermine Supreme for his policy of “everyone gets a pony.” No friends, true political power comes with towel robes. I will not rest until every man, woman, NB and child has one (if they want, I mean I’m not about force. And while I’m on this rant, is Vermin aware of how costly ponies are to keep? Hay alone, let alone a barn with their own pony healthcare. But ok yeah I’m typing this as I’m passing out, just food for thought)
Hamas reneged and is claiming it is a crisis that Israel isn’t releasing convicted murderers. I have zero fucking evidence for this but it absolutely wreaks of Russia aiding Iran et al into keeping this going until Trump is in office and can claim it as a win.