Why do males complain about female-led stories
They don’t? Or are you taking 4chan and Twitter as representative of the whole videogame audience?
My Kobo Forma is perfect. Although I see the official firmware only for the few seconds that KOReader needs to launch.
Oh I wasn’t aware this was already possible on Kindle. On Kobo it’s very limited.
Well, KOReader offers lots of customisation, including custom fonts, custom refresh rate to increase battery life, integration with Wallabag, WebDAV.
Custom sleep picture is one of the features of KOReader. Pretty easy to spot it in the settings.
Read your own EPUB on KOReader, for free.
This list does not make sense.
Are you sure that i.e. Whatsapp isn’t just as wasteful?
It has not taken over NGINX and Apache yet.
I don’t get why there are so many fonts
Because anyone can design one.
Fira Sans / FiraGO by Mozilla, and the new SUSE font by SUSE.
Maybe not during the lecture, but before or after.
Unity is one example I cared about.
It’s a latin font.
Designing all unicode characters would be madness.
Tetris Effect is Eurogamer’s best game you can play right now (and the 2010’s Game Of The Decade).
How does one use flashcards?
Servo is now an active project managed by the Linux Foundation.
Then came RC2 and RC3.