Yeah, it’s still popping.
Honestly, I totally get that. But for what it’s worth, the game is more than just maximizing efficiencies like this. This is just a crazy case for me.
Multiboxing is not botting. Conflating the two implies ignorance.
For context, “multiboxing” is running multiple clients at once, and usually stacking them on a single monitor and rapidly flicking through them with a program like EVE-O Preview to activate commands with the mouse in short order. It is allowed in EVE, it is not against the TOS. Some people multibox with tiled windows, or one per monitor, though, because they prefer it for various reasons.
Trans people are cool. Love em. Full human rights for everyone, end discrimination. This post, though, is obnoxious though.
Sending edicts out to the public is never the play. Use your sidebar. Moderate stuff. Make it cool to not be a bigot. But the second you start doing goofy shit like this, you’re painting a target on your back and coming across way more fragile than you must actually be.
I personally have a policy about blocking any community that has admins who feel it necessary to try to police people’s thoughts. As much as bigots piss me off, this isn’t how people conduct themselves in a place that purports to be a safe haven. You don’t patronize and denigrate the general public out of frustration, unless you want them as an enemy for some reason. The idea you needed you adjust your terminology in retrospect confirms how poorly you wrote your initial message.
Also, I have to say, “We allowed 196 to be here” is a curious statement. What exactly did you allow? Is opening a community a big endeavor? I’ve opened up a bunch, and never have I felt like I was owed someone for doing it.
Ban bad behavior. Don’t try to tell people how to think. We have a word for the latter and it’s not pretty.
Incomprehensible comment.