I also don’t want to be running an antique OS… Just a debloated one.
This is not a Windows forum, so I feel justified in pointing out that in that case you should probably avoid Microsoft products entirely.
insufficiently careful not to snub the goddess
I also don’t want to be running an antique OS… Just a debloated one.
This is not a Windows forum, so I feel justified in pointing out that in that case you should probably avoid Microsoft products entirely.
Since you’re already on btrfs it’s probably better to actually use the features it has to expand your existing filesystem to cover both drives.
But if you just want to mount it somewhere and not worry about figuring out anything complicated, what I did is mount my big new cheap disk at /home/bigdisk and then have symlinks pointing to it such as ~/Videos -> /home/bigdisk/Videos
So the normal “I just want to watch netflix” price has gone from $8 to $18. A 125% increase.
the way that it should be
From each according to his wealth, to each according to his payment.
And sheer pigheaded stubbornness.
Quick, somebody give that man $350000
Personally I’d put a higher priority on stamping out that use of “porn”.
The vast majority of papers that make serious errors and draw the wrong conclusions are never retracted. The sort of people needing to be told to check whether a paper was retracted before citing it are not likely to produce much that’s of value even if they do so.
It’s not really anything he did, more about things he didn’t do. Such as address the housing problems, do anything substantial about wealth inequality, take a stand against genocide, revive Canada’s economic competitiveness, rein in the oligopolies that run the country, stop climate change, balance the budget, end all disease and hunger worldwide, and bring about lasting world peace.
People just got tired of all the empty rhetoric, and have decided that what we need is a slightly more sarcastic and bitter form of empty rhetoric as the opposition offers.
Is there some way we can use piracy to purge AI sites?
I’m willing to entertain the possibility that the linux world may be lacking in some things, but I’m pretty sure “configuration tools for sysadmins” is not one of them.
Apparently I have fewer problems with it than some. It’s snap. Maybe I could come up with some other minor complaints, but nothing big really. It’s mostly just snap. That is what prevents me using or recommending Ubuntu any more.
On my system that consistently gets results around 10s and 5s so the difference is sort of interesting. Mine’s a Ryzen 3600, maybe newer CPU features are of substantial benefit to xz.
The .tar.xz format decompresses more than twice as fast as .tar.bz2, allowing you to get up and running in no time
$ time tar xjf firefox-134.0b3.tar.bz2
real 0m9.045s
user 0m8.839s
sys 0m0.450s
$ time tar xJf firefox-135.0a1.en-US.linux-x86_64.tar.xz
real 0m4.903s
user 0m4.677s
sys 0m0.510s
Nice! Presumably it’d be twice as fast if disk was infinitely fast or something. Unfortunately by testing this I’ve already used up a hundred times more time than I’ll ever save as a result of it.
Get yourself a good nicotine vape rig. The kind that has a big tank so it’ll last all day and you can use whichever flavoured vape liquid you like best. Switch to that 100% of the time, right away, no exceptions. Don’t worry about how to quit vaping until you’ve gone without smoking for at least a few months.
It’ll be hard, but not nearly as bad as it is if you try to quit both smoking and nicotine at the same time.
Having apps that do what users want but try to hide it from reviewers really highlights the absurdity of letting Apple decide what software you’re allowed to run.
GPU has fallen off the bus.
If you’re lucky, it’s an nvidia driver problem. If you’re not, it’s a hardware problem.
Well, he’s not wrong that it’s “super hard” to see any benefit of Denuvo for anyone other than the beneficial owners of Denuvo Software Solutions. Gamers might have a better than average ability to suspend disbelief, but that “new study” was pushing it a bit far.
Donkeys reportedly hauling massive supply of sticks and stones towards the front lines