I dont think its even the money with these guys. They want worship and adulation, and MAGA is primed to do it. All the worst megalomaniacs are drawn to them like moths to a flame.
I dont think its even the money with these guys. They want worship and adulation, and MAGA is primed to do it. All the worst megalomaniacs are drawn to them like moths to a flame.
If your a civilian you want to be on the US front, if your a soldier you want to be on the Russian front.
I doubt he ever knew that.
Ive already been in this unit. The secret is to start with any non-combat arms unit, and then dedicate yourselves to being as “stractical” as possible.
You arent wrong. Obamas great sin wasnt the tan suit, it was playing defense against Russia. It doest matter how strong you are or how weak your enemy is, if they only need to land one lucky shot to win you cant let them shoot indefinately without firing back. Then Biden made the same mistake…and here we are.
Everyone is calm because any analyst worth the name should have seen this coming since November, and its far too late to stop at this point.
I dont know why Europe didnt start rearming eight years ago, but now they are going to suffer for that oversight.
This is the future Jurassic Park warned us about.
Yea I dont think anyone is going to enjoy the “find out” phase of this one. Maybe Putin, if he lives that long.
Just imagine the game of telephone you could get going for target tracking.
It is. At the very least it was illegal and unprofessional.
Well in this case it sounds like they executed a suicide bomber they could have arrested, which isnt great, but its not worse than slaughtering civilians.
That was reposts as well. Its not like anyone was wasting their life making fresh Facebook grade memes for that that cesspit.
The problem is I dont think many of the accounts really care if their total account activity appears organic. They are mostly there to create volume, sometimes to puff up activity metrics, to amplify specific points and narratives, or simply to shut down conversation if it strays into the wrong topic. They know Reddit doesnt actually want to stop them, and the individual accounts rarely say anything interesting enough to justify human users taking the time to evaluate their post history.
Why? Everyone knows the Epoch Times is published by a politicized cult. But what exactly do you doubt here? Are you saying they are not launching crisis simulations? Or maybe that they dont actually face escalating pressure from Beijing? Is maybe the is quote inaccurate? What exactly is the question here, or is this just pointless sealioning?
It makes sense that a vote based platform, where users encounter direct positive and negative reinforcement with every interaction, would tend to developing repetitive conversation patterns over time, even if it were populated entirely with humans.
I would bet the actual number of active bot accounts is probably lower than many people think. Maybe 20-30%. Those accounts are more active than humans though, maybe accounting for half of all the posts. Many of these bots arnt even proper LLMs, they are just scripts recycling generic comments, catch phrases and old memes and upvoting each other endlessly.
If they were going to deliberately target passenger airliners they wouldnt do it over their own soil. This is a major embarrassment that reflects poorly on the quality of their equipment and personnel.
There are all sorts of civilians they sell into servitude in China. Most of them are eventually repatriated.
They still wont be safe. This sets in motion a chain of events that probably ends in WWIII, which is something they have known all along. They are also probably too late. The time to start building a solid military to defend you today was about two decades ago.