What’s the background for that order? why not just asdfghjkl; to 1234567890? (just curious, no offense)
What’s the background for that order? why not just asdfghjkl; to 1234567890? (just curious, no offense)
Trying it at the moment. Thank you!
Edit: It’s working better than I expected. Thanks for the suggestion
Thanks for the comment. Neither, I’ve been typing with 10 fingers for 3 years, and my fingers are normal. I just want to access my number row without having to move my hands as much. It’s a hyper optimization I know but I would move closer to typing and editing with the speed of thought if I do it
Islamic regime killed and tortured many civilians during the multiple peaceful protests. They’re unbelievably sadistic and evil. So when civilians aren’t involved its just a fight between two dictators
I was awake doing my homework when I heard a huge boom right next to our house. I checked google.com because if internet broke it means something serious happened and since google answered I continued my work knowing it was nothing. Strangely whatever the big boom sound was nothing noticable happened in our neighborhood
I hope it doesn’t end with nukes
How often is something is simplified with reactivity? Who though the web needs reactivity? When I go to the steam page of a game there’s no more than one thing which needs to react to my action. When I hover over a game a new div should appear and nothing else needs to react to it. I clearly don’t get it
Thanks for the suggestion! I’m now using Kanata which is inspired by Kmonad and it’s working well so far. Despite the cool things that come with external keyboards split or not, I don’t want to be uncomfortable with my built in keyboard when my laptop is on my legs or I just don’t have access to a table in general