I’m not sure the barrel will hold up or that you’ll be able to find it after it yeets itself out of your hand before you pass out from blood loss.
I’m not sure the barrel will hold up or that you’ll be able to find it after it yeets itself out of your hand before you pass out from blood loss.
Containers become problematic, some don’t have man pages or other common commands installed. Debugging applications on them requires a wide knowledge of all sorts of primitive commands and workarounds to achieve common tasks. My biggest fear is a container without grep.
LibreELEC made it simple.
Why you angry bro? Now you know that there is a cheap and easy way for you to watch sponge bob with out your tv knowing that you have a thing for the girl squirrel.
A rasburry pi 4.
Did you know you can connect an external device to your television and get Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, paramount, NFL, plex, youtube etc.
Clearly you’ve never seen the war documentaries Predator or Commando.
You might consider contacting your local news, the mix ups are cleared up real quick once public shaming is involved.
Bird shot doesn’t hurt when it lands on you, it certainly wouldn’t feel good in the eyes. Bird shot goes down to 0.08 inches in diameter there is a smaller shot called snake shot it goes down to 0.053 inches in diameter. Snake shot is typically loaded in rifle cartridges but only has a range of 20 yards so probably not great for shooting drones down.
Switch to bird shot and only the normal amount of bullets will be raining down on New Jersey.
Modern ground would not be able to protect their supply chain from modern air. Bases would be leveled by day 2 with dwindling fuel and ammo supplies. Modern air wouldn’t need to bomb every tank and spend trillions they could just starve the war machine.
This is not an accurate depiction. All those parts look like they will fit out of the box and all the parts are there.
You’re giving journalists way to much credit. The Pulitzer Prize was named after a man who started the Spanish American war by making shit up.
I’m not sure they could shoot Santa down, the bells on the reigns can be used for chaff so radar tracking is out, I doubt the IR signature of some deer and a large man in a snow suit are high enough for a missel to track. That leaves emi once Santa turns off his transponder norad won’t be able to track him.
You can place cameras anywhere, they don’t need to be right next to what is being targeted. Nearer ranges will allow AI to misidentify at much higher rates than max standoff ranges of an AIM-120C.
The weapon of choice of long haired peaceniks.
Bird shot doesn’t hurt when it falls on you, unless it gets in your eye. The recoil from the shot might be enough to cause serious neck damage.
Zombies can and do drag themselves, or even worm their way across fields. Until the brain is destroyed, they’re a threat.
Head shots are much easier when zombies are moving slower. I suspect a platoon with 8 guys shooting an M2 and the rest with scoped rifles could easily protect an encampment from thousands of zombies.
It’s not Google’s search buisness that LaLiga is going after it’s the cell phone side. LaLiga claims Google and Huawei benefited by refusing to disable the newplay app on their phones.