In the bad days before password managers there was a password I could only type… I knew the rhythm but had totally forgotten the actual password…
In the bad days before password managers there was a password I could only type… I knew the rhythm but had totally forgotten the actual password…
You might want to investigate veggie keto for your mom, the most common cause of primary high blood pressure is elevated insulin levels.
Here is a very detailed post on why I chose to go carnivore, happy to discuss any of the specifics if you want to get into the minutiae
The best thing you can do is ensure you, and the people you care about, have excellent metabolic health! Make sure y’all are insulin sensitive.
I can’t speak for the political aspects.
CSIS has a interesting talk on the politics of global health https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnErbYQ55kY
However, the global metabolic crisis is a huge risk factor for pandemics. People with compromised immune systems are far more likely to be affected by or disabled by global pandemics. In the USA something like 8% of adults have ideal metabolic health, that means 92% have a compromised immune system
Dunder Mifflin has a combat arm!
(don’t get me started on keto people)
Please! I want to know more
I havent seen the research showing that the body eats muscle when not consuming carbs.
That’s a great lecture, thanks for sharing
Make sure ur getting enough carbs
What do the carbs do for body builders? Force anabolism?
Like 2 g/kg is near the target for bodybuilders.
Big difference between body builders and normal people is that the advice is for ideal body weight, where bodybuilders consume per current bodyweight. The advice has to be high to account for the highly variable metabolism, and diets of the general population. Some people simply don’t eat bioavailable complete proteins, at all.
“Because there appears to be a limited amount of protein that can be absorbed at a meal, it may be best to evenly space out your protein throughout the day, if possible.”
Here is there reference for that advice: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3197704/ Moderating the portion size of a protein-rich meal improves anabolic efficiency in young and elderly - Randomized Trial; Moderate evidence.
Second is the comment about vegetarians/vegans.
Here is their reference for that advice: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5521049/ Determination of the protein quality of cooked Canadian pulses - [mechanistic study; ungraded]
Although the quality of protein in different legumes varies, many appear to be about 20-50% less digestible than animal protein
They cited references and papers for each of their comments, which improves their credibility. I would have liked them to mention DIAAS scores, for completeness, rather then referring to a paper on pulses, but that doesn’t remove from their advice.
2g per kg ideal body weight, look at citation 5 for references
Not all sources of protein are the same, you need ALL the essential amino acids to actually be able to use protein. Most food protein is based on a nitrogen estimate and not measured amino acids!!! (This is called crude protein)
A good way to see what food are bioavailable protein is to reference it’s DIAAS score.
If you eat your daily target of protein but it’s missing amino acids, your body can’t use it, and you haven’t actually eaten your target protein.
You could also use a tool like cronometer to map out your food and amino acids as well
I use these all the time, no issues.
You pry the tab up to a 45 degree angle. Then insert a finger. While firmly holding the can with one hand, pull back with the other hand on the tab, the can should open smoothly. At the very end there is a chance the lid will spring off the can, so you should use less pressure when the lid is almost totally detached.
If you have trouble getting under the tab (like you just cut your fingernails), use any flat thing to give you leverage, a spoon, toothpick, screwdriver, etc
I like to drive barefoot. Really get a feeling for the pedals and movement.
When the glasses are new: hot water plus some dish soap, gently padded down with a microfiber cloth until it’s perfect
When the glasses are old: any fucking thing, including paper and spit, whatever shirt I’m wearing, napkins, etc
Bernie Sanders 2025!!!
Besides the utility of a go bag… having portable wealth can get you into trouble with the police or border crossing agents.
Civil asset forfeiture is a very real thing at border crossings. If you must take portable wealth have documentation about where it came from a available
Maybe a good soak in vinegar, then alcohol
Most of what I know about grease comes from industrial machinery. Maybe it doesn’t transfer over well. Steam is also a good option.
When fats get to high enough temperature they polymerize, on cast iron we call it seasoning. If you let the grease build up, and go through many cooking cycles your actually trying to get rid of polymers
Prevalence of Optimal Metabolic Health in American Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009–2016
The more recent paper on this has it at 8% but I don’t have that link handy.