Hearing Snow by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers while my mom is folding clothes (thats a very specific one). I have no idea how old I was exactly but I remember it vividly. The funny thing is that I didn’t understand a word of the song as german is my native language. Recently I stumbled across the song again and suddenly, as if struck by lightning, I remembered this weird mundane situation as if it was yesterday. The human mind is so weird.
and you can afford to lose everything in the case of a power cut
But ext4 is a journaling filesystem, so a power cut shouldn’t harm it.
I have no idea about apple design guidelines and am not a UX designer, but wouldn’t a horizontal seperator look better? In gtk i would add one here, gives some extra space and more visual seperation.
I was the same, but I recently gave zig a try, it’s lovely to write.
Managed to segfault the compiler though, so maybe not quite ready yet.
You will always need some sort of oom killer unless you have endless memory (or swap space, which comes with its own problems in the form of grinding your system to an almost halt). Imagine all memory is in use, then some system critical task (or even the kernel itself) needs memory as well. If the kernel can’t kill a less important process to free memory in such a situation you might just crash your system.