copyright doesn’t expire because the year is the previous year. the copyright should be the year of first publication, not simply the current year at all times. because if it just says the current year, what does it even denote?
copyright doesn’t expire because the year is the previous year. the copyright should be the year of first publication, not simply the current year at all times. because if it just says the current year, what does it even denote?
why aren’t koreans reproducing? well who knows, better focus on shutting down some piracy. fucking governments
no no no, you don’t understand! there’s a secret “rich ppl netflix” that you can’t get unless you pay $12,000 for it. the illuminati built it for bill clinton
perhaps they developed a high tolerance quickly? just trying to guess
i just do a tiny bite of anything. super tiny, maybe with a sip of water. but, i concentrate really hard on the fact that i ate something. usually works ok
i admit that i do. sometimes stuff is on there. and i gave up reddit forever, lemmy doesn’t have much niche stuff yet!
can’t shorten my lifespan if i never get diagnosed!