They wasted all their former might far before that. There’s a reason the leading cause of death for young men in Russia is alcoholism. The people have no hope and no future while Putin lives.
They wasted all their former might far before that. There’s a reason the leading cause of death for young men in Russia is alcoholism. The people have no hope and no future while Putin lives.
Hopefully you live outdoors then.
I do not have enough hit points to be that reckless lol
Thanks to Morrowind and Skyrim i still find myself absent-mindedly noticing “alchemy ingredients” when walking through the woods on hiking/camping trips, despite the fact that I haven’t played either game in a couple years at this point.
He wouldn’t have caught such a beating if the erection hadn’t gotten even larger during the beating.
It’s been bad for a few years at least but it has gotten even worse recently, I assume due to incorporating AI/LLM’s into the mix.
Electricity does not take the path of least resistance. It takes every path available, inversely proportional to that paths resistance.
When the voltage gets high enough, it will literally start ripping molecules apart in order to make its own path.
Also, nice meme, nerd.
I was probably 9 or 10 at the time, visiting at a (wealthy) friends house, and my friend was showing me a bunch of his dads cool stuff, among which was a legitimate whip, like straight up indiana jones style. Naturally, I had to try it out…indoors…underneath the crystal chandelier hanging in their entryway…I wasn’t allowed over anymore after that.
If your cast iron pan is also your primary weapon it counts as worn weight