Isn’t Wordpress powering like 40% of the internet? PHP isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
For me the weirder part of that meme is Python in 2022?
Isn’t Wordpress powering like 40% of the internet? PHP isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
For me the weirder part of that meme is Python in 2022?
None that I’ve found has anything close to SponsorBlock for youtube, in theory it could work, even SponsorBlock has open issue for it.
The problem is, a lot of podcasts are using dynamic ads insertion, which means the ads are added on the fly when user download an episode. Ads length could be different from person to person, and there’s a possibility of empty slot too, where the podcast unable to sell the slot. “We’ll be back after this short message,” and jump straight into the next segment. No ad.