Easy to say to starving children. (Which is what happened in op’s article)
Easy to say to starving children. (Which is what happened in op’s article)
Calles ‘empire in decay’ hahaha
Serbia is not former Warsaw pact.
Mate, the only thing you have to say is that Ukraine is getting fucked over left and right. Instead you find the strangest ways to twist that into apologizing for Russian imperialist interests.
Yes and the 33 million people whose lives have been uprooted by the invasion, are undoubtedly very happy Russia is ‘fixing’ this with violence.
The reason I am interested in the Ukrainian people is because I am European and volunteer in refugee relief. I am confronted with the human cost of this invasion on a very, very regular basis. The lives of 33 million people have been violently uprooted by the decision of a foreign state, and the only socialist stance to take in that regard is clear condemnation. It is that simple.
My question was: how does the violence of the invasion help the self determination of Ukrainian people?
I’ll be more explicit: why not simply acknowledge that the invasion is not only unlawful, but deeply immoral – and completely contradictory to the self determination of a people?
Right, so how does the full scale, violent invasion by a foreign state help the self determination of both Ukrainian peoples?
Question: do you believe in the self-determination of Ukrainians?
A conspiracy theory popular amongst delusional Marxists-Leninists, and that’s an important difference.
Still it’s funny to see these (often) so called anti colonial thinkers struggle with the idea of self determination of other nations. Nothing can happen without American involvement, obvs.
Afghanistan did not arise as a result from colonial powers. That’s false and completely ignores the self determination of Afghans.
Also, the stuff you’re saying about how the country was just a simple, tribal place is actually very hurtful. Borderline racist.
Intelligence is inherited, but evenly distributed over the population/across (so called) ethnic groups You’re skimming over a wikipedia article, but the guy you’re replying to isn’t off the mark.