Not cause of your age. I got told that all the time in high school! And college. And after college.
Anyway, I eventually got a partner, but having a consecutive string of meeting romantically incompatible potential partners is not age dependent.
Thank you for sharing. I now grasp the disConnect.
I’m using Connect.
Is the display different for others? Mine shows the word balloon on top but the text on the bottom instead.
I’m so sad this will never be me. 😭
As annoying as this is, it’s to prevent LLMs from training themselves using Reddit content, and that’s probably the greater of the two evils.
I’ve been having this problem with a bunch of other posts! I’m so glad to know how to see all the memes I was missing.
Isn’t it their fault to begin with though? Spanish conquistadors aren’t known for their positive influence on Native American peoples.
That’s the caveat right here. Most people who eat this aren’t generally eating well to begin with. A lot of Americans are gonna eat a double cheeseburger and fries with a soda which can clock up to 1600 calories, then go to Baskin Robbins for dessert and have this. That’s why it’s entirely possible for Americans to have 5k calories in a day because that’s only 1 meal and a dessert.
America. 🦅
I had to stop drinking milkshakes once I started counting calories because of this kind of thing. Like, I knew it was bad, but I didn’t know it was this bad. 😬
Wtf that’s my partner’s friend! I’ve seen people I know on Reddit a few times before, but I didn’t expect it on a less populated place like Lemmy. It’s a small world.
Why would you leave this uncropped? 😩