This is really interesting… do you mind explaining what the transition to a medicated you as an adult was like? Was it a process or was it night and day? Did you really “feel” differently or did you just screw up less?
This is really interesting… do you mind explaining what the transition to a medicated you as an adult was like? Was it a process or was it night and day? Did you really “feel” differently or did you just screw up less?
Like a fiddle.
DNCASHMAN to make it rain money in Duke Nukem 3D
This has been another item added to my “if I had a 3d printer…” list
My cover is now loose and the plastic clip part has worn down
Hey look, someone said a thing! And now someone else said some other thing in response to it on their pocket rectangle! What does this mean or what is the impact? Who cares about that, we said it here first!
I did a journalism :o)
Is there a leopardsatemyface lemmy equivalent?
Live a full life without impacting others negatively, including those yet to exist.
Try create something that wasn’t here before that has some positive impact to your peers. Read peers: all life.
There is no dominion beyond these words.
Above all else make sure they eat. Loss of appetite leads to so many more issues. They look like a cutie and glad to hear their weight is up.
Awesome, I now need to get tested for another thing
Thank you Giorgio Moroder for discovering the click track and adding a beat to each click to help future genres of music to drown out any thoughts. unce-unce-unce-unce-unce-etc
Hey Paul Sellars, looking forward to your new video!
Physically low, as in deep
Physically low… as in deep
Submerged deep sea internet cables that connect the continents.
Does it have gum or kidney issues?
I’ve seen bundles of 16 individual packages but sadly no bulk package with more than the few sheets you mention.
Dude this reply is incredible. Thank you so much for taking the time to hyper focus on it. I really like how you say it’s not all or nothing, and learning more about how you respond lets you do the chaotic brainstorming, then medicate to laser focus. I’m un-medicated and un-diagnosed but all my coping mechanisms are no longer working and everything is just getting harder and the want and desire to do more is growing, leading to that lack of fulfilment felling that takes a sharp turn into depression. So far I haven’t fallen off any cliffs but I fear that feeling and it feels like it’s nearing. I would love to just get by without the struggle, so thank you for sharing as it’s a great take on what the other side could be.