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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 19th, 2024


  • imo gibts da leider genau zwei Perspektiven :

    1. es gab noch nicht genug Anti-Rechten Aktivismus
    2. der Anti-Rechte Aktivismus funktioniert nicht

    Ich persönlich glaube eher an das 2. Die AfD mag als Reaktion falsch sein, aber das Gefühl das was nicht stimmt ist auf jeden Fall real, egal ob es jetzt tatsächlich an Migration liegt, was ich nicht glaube, oder an anderen Themen wie Vermögensverteilung, o.ä…

    Ganz besonders überzeugt mich nicht, wenn “für Demokratie” auf die Straße gegangen wird und dann mein Alltag genau gar nicht “demokratischer” geworden ist.

    Ich bin jetzt einer Partei beigetreten. Ich glaube nicht daran das es funktioniert, also ich rechne mit verkorksten, linientreuen Idioten die ihre Parolen grölen und lieber 3 Bier trinken als gut für sie wäre und dann 10 Seiten mehr an das Parteiprogram drantackern. Aber ich will es mal probieren und guck es mir mal von innen an.

    Egal was getan werden muss, es muss funktionieren!! Ich hoffe darauf wenn die Leute das merken, das es funktioniert, das man dann die 20% wieder runter kriegt.

  • Was die bpb insgesamt macht, finde ich eigentlich ok.

    Diese Art Buch geht mir unter die Haut, weil “was wir jetzt ändern müssen” immer stark politisch geprägt ist. Wir könnten historisch entsprechend komische Personen fragen und entsprechend komische Antworten und Bücher finden, die mit voller Ernsthaftigkeit und Überzeugung geschrieben wurden und den Leser ziemlich sicher zu einem interessanten Fall für den Verfassungsschutz machen würden, wenn der Leser es ernsthaft versuchen würde die Vorschläge umzusetzen.

    Die Verkehrsinfrastruktur ist vielerorts in einem schlechten Zustand und überlastet. Die Digitalisierung in Verwaltungen und Behörden kommt nur schleppend voran. Genehmigungsverfahren, etwa zum Bau von Windrädern, ziehen sich in die Länge. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit im Bildungssystem klaffen oft auseinander.

    Es ist extrem unwahrscheinlich das die Autoren tatsächlich persönliche Erfahrung damit haben, wie die Verwaltung, Verkehr, Baurecht und das Bildungssystem intern und praktisch funktionieren.

    Und siehe da, die Autoren sind irgendwelche Podcaster. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lage_der_Nation_(Podcast)

    Warum verdient genau deren Meinung jetzt Verbreitung durch die bpb?

  • it_depends_man@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlDo you dislike HR in workplaces?
    5 months ago

    It’s not that they are unfriendly.

    But they are 100% there to represent the company’s interest and not yours. If there is any way, to… turn a situation into something where the company gets more money out of it and you get less, it’s their job to make that happen.

    In theory they should have employee retention in mind. In practice, nobody does their HR that way anymore.

    All my interactions with HR have been “professional polite” and appropriately friendly. There is no reason to be unnecessarily mean, they are also just doing their job.

  • I had a phase as a teen when I was constantly swearing. My parents told me that, it can’t be that bad and it’s really annoying.

    And it’s mostly an impulse reaction and we’re kind of above that.

    It doesn’t mean that you can’t express pain or anger. You’re just not insulting people’s ears if you scream “Aaaaah” when you bang your toe against a table leg or something. And your environment really doesn’t deserve it. Most people are somewhat compassionate and you’re just swearing while they try to help… that’s not a pleasant environment for them to be in. It makes it harder to help you.

    No to both questions. I just made a change and that was it. And it has never stopped me from expressing anything.

    If anything, it lends more weight to the regular words.

    A _______ criminal? Or a criminal?

    You can still put the same emotion into the words, they’re just not swear words. :)

  • it_depends_man@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlAI's take on XML
    6 months ago

    I’m not sure now that I think about it, but I find this more explicit and somehow more free than json. Which can’t be true, since you can just

    {"anything you want":{...}}

    But still, this:


    is all valid.

    You can more closely approximate the logical structure of whatever you’re doing without leaving the internal logic of the… syntax?

    <tyre> air, <valve>closed</valve>  </tyre>
    <tyre> air, <valve>closed</valve>  </tyre>
    <tyre>      <valve>open</valve>  </tyre>
    <tyre> air, <valve>closed</valve>  </tyre>

    Maybe I just like the idea of a closing tag being very specific about what it is that is being closed (?). I guess I’m really not sure, but it does feel nicer to my brain to have starting and closing tags and distinguishing between what is structure, what is data, what is inside where.

    My peeve with json is that… it doesn’t properly distinguish between strings that happen to be a number and “numbers” resulting in:

    myinput = {"1":"Hello",1:"Hello"}
    tempjson = json.dumps(myinput)
    output = json.loads(tempjson)
    >>>{'1': 'Hello'}

    in python.

    I actually don’t like the attributes in xml, I think it would be better if it was mandatory that they were also just more tagged elements inside the others, and that the “validity” of a piece of xml being a certain object would depend entirely on parsing correctly or not.

    I particularly hate the idea of attributes in svg, and even more particularly the way they defined paths.


    It works, but I consider that truly ugly. And also I don’t understand because it would have been trivial to do something like this:


  • it_depends_man@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlAI's take on XML
    6 months ago

    It is very cool, specifically as a human readable mark down / data format.

    The fact that you can make anything a tag and it’s going to be valid and you can nest stuff, is amazing.

    But with a niche use case.

    Clearly the tags waste space if you’re actually saving them all the time.

    Good format to compress though…

  • At the cost of sounding naive and stupid

    It may be a naive question, but it’s a very important naive question. Naive doesn’t mean bad.

    The answer is that that is not possible, because the compiler is supposed to translate the very specific language of C into mostly very specific machine instructions. The programmers who wrote the code, did so because they usually expect a very specific behavior. So, that would be broken.

    But also, the “unsafety” is in the behavior of the system and built into the language and the compiler.

    It’s a bit of a flawed comparison, but you can’t build a house on a foundation of wooden poles, because of the advantages that wood offers, and then complain that they are flammable. You can build it in steel, but you have to replace all of the poles. Just the poles on the left side won’t do.

    And you can’t automatically detect the unsafe parts and just patch those either. If we could, we could just fix them directly or we could automatically transpile them. Darpa is trying that at the moment.